Course Templates
Syllabus Template – Required for all MFA Courses
First Semester
WRT536 – Reading for Writers I (Primary Genre)
WRT539 – Genre History, Criticism, and Theory
WRT542 – Writing in the Primary Genre I
WRT543 – Online Multi-Genre Workshop I*
Second Semester
WRT537 – Reading for Writers II (Second Genre)
WRT576 – Writing in the Primary Genre II
WRT578 – Writing in the Second Genre
WRT579 – Online Multi-Genre Workshop II*
Third Semester
WRT569 – Internship or Teaching Practicum*
WRT571 – The Individual Aesthetic and Process
WRT577 – Writing in the Primary Genre III
WRT582 – Online Multi-Genre Workshop III*
Fourth Semester
WRT583 – Online Multi-Genre Workshop IV*
*With the exception of the online workshops and, from time to time, the Internship/Practicum course, all courses are individual, student-driven mentorships. In each course, you will work one-on-one with a faculty member to design your syllabus, create your reading list, define your writing workload, and schedule your meetings, whether online, by mail, by phone, or in person.
Remember, it is your responsibility to get the most out of your courses. The return on your investment will be determined almost entirely by your level of participation. You will need to do independent research, drive yourself to write frequently, and to ask the right questions of your mentors.
All mentors in this program are highly successful writers in their respective fields. Rather than dictating to you, their role is to guide you through to your own journey of discovery. They will provide you with feedback, ask you directed and challenging questions, suggest useful writing projects, and direct you to important resources.
The application process for the program requires selecting a primary and secondary genre, one creative and one practical. The faculty members you will work with are selected according to your genres of interest and each faculty’s genres of expertise. We will make every effort to match you with the faculty with whom you want most to work.