Western Research Day

What is Western Research Day (WRD)?

WRD is an event where students at Western may present their undergraduate or graduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry to the University Community.

To participate in WRD, students submit (see the submission form) an abstract or summary of their work or research. All submissions must have the endorsement of a faculty mentor.

The WRD committee will evaluate submissions based on the criteria for abstract content and will assess overall merit within the context of the specific academic discipline. Students will be notified directly by a WRD committee member whether their abstract has been accepted.

Students will then present their works at the WRD event and awards will be given for the student work receiving the highest score from judges made up of faculty, staff, administrators, and other members of the university community.

If you have questions, please email Dr. Antonia Giannakakos-Ferman at giannakakosa@wcsu.edu

Students at a past WRD – Peggy Stewart