Department Events
Bailando with the Community (2022)
Fundraiser event for the Puerto Rican Relief Fund Effort. We raised $140.00 in donations!
Celebrating Chi Zeta #533 Chapter
Spanish Honors Society – Sigma Delti Pi

New York City – Hispanic Heritage Month
Wor(l)ds of Poetry Bilingual Reading
Everyone applauds great readings, and students from all languages and all proficiency levels participated in this event!
In the Wor(l)ds of Poetry Event, students & faculty read in Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Telugu & Turkish.
Day of The Dead Altar: “El Dia de Los Muertos”
Students identify traditional offerings on the Day of the Dead Altar. Rumor has it that Dr. Bakhtiarova flew to Los Angeles for some of the items!
Dr. Bakhtiarova and students share homemade Pan de Muertos, a special bread for the Day of the Dead Event. Excelente!
Students from Intermediate Spanish Language & Culture worked with local Mexican business owners from Danbury to research Day of the Dead traditions.
WLL Also Supports Our LASO (Latin American Student Organization) Members and Friends!!!
LASO knows how to give a dance party! Fun, elegance, food, and, of course, friendship.
We think our LASO students make the best empanadas in all of the Americas. (And they sell them too for fundraising. Yum!)
Hi, everybody! Here we are in Berkshire Hall where we have our classes and faculty offices on the Midtown Campus!