Where Do We Go From Here
WCSU’s Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) and Western International Center (WIC) invite the WCSU community to a discussion forum that will explore the pathways to meaningful international education as the world emerges from the pandemic.
International academic travel and study abroad were upended in the past eighteen months, while new opportunities and new possibilities of cultural exchange have emerged due to new technologies. As the world is recovering, questions arise:
- What will be the next steps?
- How can WCSU offer meaningful world experiences to our students and inspire them to learn through travel and global exchange of ideas?
- What is the future of study abroad and international academic exchanges in the post-pandemic world?
Let’s think together about what we can do at WCSU to make our campus an active participant in international education and global exchange of ideas.
To start the conversation, panel participants are Galina Bakhtiarova, Professor of Spanish and WIC coordinator; Christine Hegel-Cantarella, Associate Professor of Anthropology and recipient of the Fulbright and Boren scholarships; Donna Warner, International Services Coordinator; Robert Whittemore, Professor of Anthropology and WCSU Fulbright Coordinator.
The Forum will take place on October 20, 2:00-3:00 PM on WebEx