
WestConn$erve Committee Members

The members of the WestConn$erve committee want to hear from you. For more information about the cost saving efforts at WestConn, use the e-mails below or call the Office of University Relations at (203) 837-8486.

Paul Steinmetz, Co-Chair, steinmetzp@wcsu.edu

Mark Case, Co-Chair, casem@wcsu.edu

Karen Muffatti, muffattik@wcsu.edu

Nancy Barton, bartonn@wcsu.edu

Recarda Dankyi, dankyi001@wcsu.edu

Carolyn Lanier, lanierc@wcsu.edu

Dennis Leszko, leszkod@wcsu.edu

Luigi Marcone, marconel@wcsu.edu

Pamela McDaniel, mcdanielm@wcsu.edu

Todd McInerney, mcinerneyt@wcsu.edu

Richard Proctor, proctor@wcsu.edu