Undocumented Student Support Services

WCSU Beyond Borders Student Club


Our main objectives are to help empower students to attain their educational goals, overcome legal and financial obstacles and to achieve their long-term dreams. We will work to educate and assist students from any backgrounds  about the stories and challenges that undocumented students face.  Advocating for opportunities to learn more about the Dream Act and issues around equity and stereotypes against undocumented students.  Any objectives that our club will seek shall be within the laws and regulations of the constitution.  We will look for resources to empower our club members, and help them succeed.

If you wish to join the club or have any questions about any of the upcoming university events.

For the 2024/2025 semester, Lizbeth Sanchez is president. Please contact her at sanchez122@wcsu.edu.


On Monday, November 18th Walk Out for Immigrant Rights!  

This event is to create a space to stand in solidarity with undocumented immigrants everywhere for many reasons.  One of the big reasons being the fate of DACA. As some of you may or may not know the fate of DACA is now in the hands of the Supreme Court. Hundreds of thousands of people could lose their homes, their livelihoods, and their families. On November 12th, the Supreme Court began to hear oral arguments in lawsuits demanding the Trump administration preserve DACA, which Trump tried to kill in 2017.  Many immigrants with DACA and allied supporters have led a 16-day march from New York to Washington, D.C., to pressure the Supreme Court to save the program with #NotOneMoreDeportation and#HomeisHere.  Please help support this cause and attend this important event.  For more information, please contact Doris Cordova, President for the WCSU Beyond Borders Student Club, by email at cordova006@wcsu.edu.

On Tuesday, November 12, Western Beyond Borders members wore  #HomeisHere shirts in support and solidarity of the amicus brief to be heard by the United States Supreme Court on this date. 

Either for more information and/or If you wish to obtain a #HomeisHere shirt, please contact the club advisor, Professor Lorraine Moya Salas, by email at salasl@wcsu.edu or by phone at (203) 837-8779.


On Wednesday, December 5, WBB hosted an intercultural Pot-luck at the Danbury Room in the Midtown Student Center (MTSC).

On Saturday, December 1 WBB co-sponsored a“Spirituality With or Without Religion” event as a part of the WCSU Holiday Celebrations Around the World program that is hosted by the Office of Intercultural Affairs. There will be a reception following the event at 6:30 p.m.

The program is free and open to the public!

The keynote speaker will be Mr. Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar, a United Nation’s Lecturer and Founding President of the Quantum Leap Institute, a NGO detached from any formal religious movement, established in 1988, with the main purpose of promoting the ideals of happiness, peace, and universal fraternity. The Quantum Leap Institute has a Special Consultative Status within UN’s Economic and Social Council (“ECOSOC”), allowing it 10-voting seats within the United Nations. Benjamin holds yearly lectures in New York City at the United Nations and/or The Freedom Tower, focused on the defense and development of essential spiritual principles for the consolidation of peace in the world, solidarity amongst people, and the integral evolution of humanity. This year, we have the honor of hosting this lecture at WCSU!  Benjamin will bring these ideas and principles to WCSU in order to promote the concept of being spiritual with or without organized religion.

Please click here to view the noted flyer for the event and also click here to view a biography of Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar.  As a club, actively promoting inclusion, understanding, and acceptance, we appreciate your support in attending this event.


On Monday, November 26, WBB hosted a training is open to all WCSU students and graduates.  The training is geared around educating student leaders on how to interact and be conscious of undocumented students in the workplace, classroom, etc. Usually, this event is traditionally for faculty, however Connecticut Students for a Dream (“C4D”) is altering the program to fit college students and professionals in the workplace.  A certificate of completion will be provided after the three hour training making this is a great resume builder!  Please click here to view the noted flyer for the event. To sign up, please refer to the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0B4CA8A723A7FA7-training. There are only 50 slots available, so students should sign up quickly to ensure their spot!


On Wednesday, February 28, hosted with the Student Government Association Town Hall Meeting on institutional aid – please click here to view the SGA flyer.  There will be a live presentation by members of CT Students For a Dream (“C4D”) and panel discussion to follow. Refreshments will be served.


On Friday, February 9, hosted a CT Students for a Dream (“C4D”) workshop and presentation about the Dream Act and what is being done in the state to help undocumented students. This will be a community meeting with #AffordToDream testimony and a writing workshop.

For more information, please email bandhauerc@wcsu.edu or sanchez122@wcsu.edu.