Tutoring Resource Center : General Policies


When you schedule an appointment with the TRC, you are making a firm commitment to your academic success as well as to your tutor.

Your tutor may have scheduled his or her day around this appointment. Everyone’s time is valuable.
We expect that you will honor your appointments, arrive on time, and come prepared to learn!

To cancel an appointment:
  • Access your scheduled appointment by signing in to our Peer Tutoring Schedule
  • Once in, click on your appointment slot in yellow;
  • Your original appointment form will appear. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the red Cancel Appointment button;
  • You will receive confirmation of your cancellation in your WCSU email;
  • Finally, call TRC Office at (203) 837- 9245 to inform the TRC Coordinator who can make appropriate scheduling changes and alert the tutor.


Cancellation and No-Show Policies:
  • Students can cancel up to 4 hours before the session’s start time through our MyWCOnline portal;
    • If you need to cancel your appointment within 4 hours of your session, you will need to call the TRC at (203) 837-9245 to alert the TRC Coordinator.
  • TRC tutors wait 10 minutes for their students. You will be marked as a no-show in our system if you arrive later than 10 minutes or do not arrive;
  •  A student with three no-shows, tardies, or repeated last minute cancellations will be flagged in our system and prevented from booking any future appointments until speaking directly with the TRC Coordinator;
  • TRC tutors are not allowed to reset a student’s account (if flagged) unless instructed by the Coordinator;

These TRC cancellation/no-show policies are listed directly on our scheduling portal MyWCOnline.