What is REAL Talk?
REAL Talk was a weekly video series where our campus advocates discussed issues related to Relationships, Empathy, Advocacy, and Life! Episodes are posted on IGTV and YouTube. Our weekly video series has transformed into REAL Talk Reels – 60 second packed full clips of educational and empathetic content coming at you each week on our Instagram @thecentereecampus.
Past Episodes:
- Introduction: Sydney and Cara introduce REAL Talk –
- Episode 1: Sydney and Cara discuss the messages they received growing up about love and how movies, music, and peers influenced what they thought relationships should look like –
- Episode 2: Cara and Sydney discuss jealousy – the good, bad, and everything in between – and how to manage it in relationships –
- Episode 3: Cara and Sydney discuss how interpersonal violence shows up in relationships on the Bachelor and the Bachelorette as the new season premieres tonight ––tBA
- Episode 4: Cara and Sydney discuss the do’s and don’ts of supporting a partner who has disclosed a previous trauma –
- Episode 5: Cara and Sydney chat with guest speakers Matt Austin and Courtney Lauria about sexual harassment in the theater and entertainment industry –
- Episode 6: Cara and Sydney discuss self-care during the year of 2020 –
- Episode 7: Cara and Sydney discuss how interpersonal violence shows up in movies and TV shows –
- Episode 8: Cara and Sydney are joined by Beck Cyr and Cameron Wilhelm from the Women’s Center to discuss interpersonal violence in the LGBTQ+ community. They also discuss the unique ways LGBTQ+ folks can prepare for the holidays and being home for an extended period of time if/when home is not a safe and accepting place to be –
- Episode 9: Cara and Sydney meet with Dr. Ree Gunter, the Director of Counseling Services at WCSU, to discuss the intersection of racism and interpersonal violence, what it means to be anti-racist and a white ally, and how to support students of color on campus –
- Episode 10: Sydney and Cara discuss the world of online dating: sexual harassment, boundaries, consent, and online dating during the pandemic –
- Episode 11: Cara and Sydney discuss navigating break-ups –
- Episode 12: Cara and Sydney discuss family violence: witnessing it, experiencing it, and breaking the cycle –
- Episode 13: Cara and Sydney discuss problematic song lyrics and play a healthy version of Baby It’s Cold Outside! –
- Episode 14: Cara and Sydney discuss New Year’s: safety, consent, and staying true to you! –
- Episode 15: Cara and Sydney discuss intimacy after experiencing trauma. Remember, whatever feels right for you is valid and we are here to help process anything that you’re going through. –
- Episode 16: Cara and Sydney discuss celebrities and people in positions of power who have been accused of a variety of behaviors ranging from sexual harassment to domestic violence and sexual assault. –
- Episode 17: Cara and Sydney discuss reporting options: the barriers, challenges, and realities. –
- Episode 18: Cara & Sydney meet with guest speaker Melissa O’Connor to discuss human trafficking in honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month –
- Episode 19: Cara & Sydney meet with Jasmine Akins, MPH to discuss sexual health: STI’s (myths and facts), disclosing your health status to a partner, and how to take care of your sexual health –
- Episode 20: Cara & Holly discuss Valentine’s Day: self-care, celebrating safely, and recognizing the positives and negatives of the day –
- Episode 21 – Cara & Holly discuss the myth of the “friend-zone” and dealing with rejection in a healthy way! –
- Episode 22 – Cara, Holly & Sydney discuss intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw described as “a lens, a prism, for seeing the way in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other.” Check out: Crenshaw’s Ted Talk & Crenshaw Explaining Intersectionality –
- Episode 23 – Cara, Holly & Sydney discuss how to talk about interpersonal violence amongst family, peers, and friends. These are sensitive topics and can be difficult to navigate conversations around, so remember to take care and practice setting boundaries if necessary! –
- Episode 24 – Cara, Holly & Sydney discuss toxic masculinity: what is it, what are examples of it, and how does it contribute to interpersonal violence. –
- Episode 25 – Cara and Holly are joined by Sydney and guest speaker and sexual health expert Jasmine Akins, MPH for part two of their sexual health discussion! They discuss what they learned about sexual health growing up, what youth are learning today and how that impacts adults’ sexual health. –
- Episode 26 – Cara and Holly meet with Johanna DeBari from Wesleyan University to discuss restorative justice practices: what restorative justice can mean, how we could center survivors’ experiences, and where to go from here. –
- Episode 27 – Cara and Holly meet with Freda Grant from Yale University to discuss restorative justice practices: what restorative justice can mean, how we could center survivors’ experiences, and where to go from here. –
- Episode 28 – Cara and Holly talk with Sydney about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and trauma as it relates to sexual violence: what PTSD is, how it can show up in victims/survivors, and what triggers can look like with some tips on how to manage triggers. At 31:00 minutes, Holly walks us through a grounding exercise. Please talk to a mental health professional or doctor if you have any questions about PTSD. You can also call our hotlines at 203-731-5204 and 203-731-5206. –
- Episode 29 – Cara and Holly meet with Sydney to discuss the unique experiences of male survivors of sexual assault and how to support them. –
- Episode 30 – Cara and Holly discuss sexual harassment: what it is, how it can show up in school and in the workplace, what accountability can look like, and how to report it on campus. –
- Episode 31 – Cara and Holly discuss how people with disabilities may experience interpersonal violence, barriers to accessing resources, and what we can do to support survivors with disabilities. –
- Episode 32 – Cara and Holly close out the academic year with Sydney reflecting on why they all choose to do this work! Even though the semester is wrapping up, we are still available for services throughout the summer. You may call our office phone during regular business hours at 203-837-3939 or either of our two 24/7 hotlines if you are in need of support. –
If you have thoughts, questions, or suggestions for future episodes please reach out to Cara at
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