Defining the Issues
Interpersonal violence is an umbrella term that includes dating abuse, domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual harassment, and stalking. All forms of interpersonal violence are rooted in power and control. Anyone of any identity can be a victim or perpetrator of interpersonal violence.
Interpersonal violence affects people of all identities and each individual victim/survivor faces unique barriers to receiving supportive services or accessing resources. Each part of a victim’s lived experience will impact the way they experience and respond to interpersonal violence. We recognize the significance of this and strive to highlight the importance and uniqueness of intersectionality in all of the work that we do for and with survivors in the community.
To learn more, check out the pages on each issue:
- Interpersonal Violence
- Healthy, Unhealthy, & Abusive Relationships
- Consent
- Bystander Intervention
- Statistics