Education, Training, & Outreach
We are happy to offer our free education programs and trainings on a variety of topics listed below.
Who is eligible for education programs?
Academic Classes, Athletics, Greek Life, Clubs & Organizations, Residence Halls, etc.
Who is eligible for trainings?
Student employees and WCSU staff and faculty, including but not limited to: RA’s/ARM’s, Judicial Board, Orientation Leaders, Recreational Staff, etc.
Program Topics:
Healthy Relationships & Dating Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Consent & Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, Technology & Relationships, Bystander Intervention, and more.
Our team strives to tailor programs to the needs of the audience we are working with; for example, we designed a program on sexual harassment in the workplace specifically for business classes as well as a program on identifying interpersonal violence as a healthcare professional for nursing classes. If you would like a program on a specific topic, please don’t hesitate to ask.
To learn more or to schedule a program/training, please contact:
Cara During
Director of Community Impact
Throughout the academic year, we will host a number of awareness events on both the Westside and Midtown campuses. Awareness events are intended to spark conversation, educate the campus community, and inspire participation in activities relating to supporting survivors and ultimately ending interpersonal violence.
Examples of events we’ve hosted are: the Silent Witness Initiative, Clothesline Project, Love is Sweet, Red Flag Campaign, Survivor Art Gallery, Denim Day, and more. We also are happy to collaborate with clubs/organizations on campus; for example, we collaborate with Delta Gamma Phi each year on Take Back the Night. If you’d like to collaborate on an event, contact our Campus Advocate.
To learn more about the events we are hosting, check out our upcoming events here.
Public Act 14-11: An Act Concerning Sexual Assault, Stalking, & Intimate Partner Violence on Campus discusses how training on all facets of interpersonal violence is a federal mandate for all university faculty and staff. The Women’s Center works closely with the Title IX Coordinator to help facilitate these trainings on campus throughout the year.
For more information on this topic please visit the Title IX website at: