Western Connecticut State University’s Threat Assessment Team (TAT) is responsible for providing a coordinated and rapid response to students whose actions may be early warning signs of violent behavior or an intent to harm someone. Team members will implement a response to assist the student while mitigating risk to keep the WCSU community healthy and safe.
recklessly causing another person to reasonably fear for his or her physical safety by willfully and repeatedly following or lying in wait for that person; or Intending to cause, and actually causing, another person to fear for his or her physical safety by willfully and repeatedly following or lying in wait for him or her
Faculty, staff, and students with concerns for threatening student behavior are encouraged to provide a written and documented description of the concern by submitting a report using the online form.
If the behavior is not threatening but you have concerns for the student, report these concerns to the Student Care Team (SCT).
Once the TAT has received and assessed written documentation from a member of the university community, it will consider what further action or monitoring is needed.
Each situation will be examined from the following perspectives:
a) health and safety of the student and the community;
b) psychosocial and educational situation of the student; and
c) legal ramifications of the specific situation. The TAT will assess each case based on its particular set of needs, concerns, and circumstances.
Dr. Stephen Hegedus, Interim Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jay Murray, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Core Team Members:
Charles Alexander, Director, Judicial Affairs
Chief Robert Berry, Chief, University Police
Dr. Julie Perrelli, Interim Dean, Student Affairs
Dr. Ree Gunter, Director, Counseling Services
Ron Mason, Director, Housing and Residence Life
Ad Hoc Members:
Jennifer Labate, University’s Title IX Officer
Fred Cratty, Chief Human Resources Officer
Elisabeth Morel, Director, AccessAbility Services
Caitlin Voege, Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator
Karen Buffkin, General Counsel, CSCU