SGA President’s Special Awards 2020-21
These awards were established in academic year 2020-21 during the pandemic by SGA President Anna Adebambo.
Awarded by Student Government Association
Achieve Through Adversity (Resilience) Award
Students who have experienced adversity and have continued to push through and excel during these challenges. Students do not have to hold any specific position to be eligible for this award.
Year | Recipient |
2020-21 | Karla Matos |
Acts of Service Award
Awarded to students who have actively contributed to the improvement of the campus through multiple positions and activities. Students must have excelled in at least two positions, activities, or areas. This includes, however is not limited, to clubs/organizations, student worker positions, university committee student representatives, university representatives at conferences, etc.
Year | Recipient |
2020-21 | Bakhtawar “Baki” Izzat |
Equity and Justice Award
Awarded to students who consistently speak up and step up, using their knowledge and spheres of influence to inspire equity and justice from the student body up to administration or beyond. Students do not have to hold any specific position to be eligible for this award.
Year | Recipient |
2020-21 | Harrison Tagnidoung |
Unsung Hero Award
Awarded to students who did not hold any specific positions on campus yet have demonstrated significant contributions or initiative. Students who hold an executive position for a club or organization are not eligible.
Year | Recipient |
2020-21 | Hope Johnsky |