Enrollment Management & Student Affairs

2020 Student Leadership Recognition Banquet Award Recipients

*If you are an award recipient and would like your photo added or changed, please email Birte Pfitzner at pfitznerb@wcsu.educreate new email.

Inter-Residence Hall Association Awards

The awards are voted upon by the Inter-Residence Hall Association, which represents the residential student body. Announced by: James Lavery, IRHA President


Jomila Schand-Harrisopens IMAGE file Resident of the Year

This award is given to a member of the residential student body who has served the campus community above and beyond the call of duty.  This individual is an outstanding leader and motivator to all students, but particularly the residential students.

Recipient: Jomila Schand-Harris from Centennial Hall


Jaclyn Bonomoopens IMAGE file Housing and Residence Life Staff Member of the Year – RA

This award is given to a Resident Assistant, Academic Resource Mentor, or a member of the Department of Housing and Residence Life who has shown extreme dedication to Housing throughout the academic year.  Through programming, office work, and showing support for the residents of Western Connecticut State University, the award , the award recipient is being honored for his/her service.

Recipient: Jaclyn Bonomo from Grasso Hall – RA of the Year


Tamia Scottopens IMAGE file Housing and Residence Life Staff Member of the Year – ARM

This award is given to a Resident Assistant, Academic Resource Mentor, or a member of the Department of Housing and Residence Life who has shown extreme dedication to Housing throughout the academic year. Through programming, office work, and showing support for the residents of Western Connecticut State University, the award recipient is being honored for his/her service.

Recipient: Tamia Scott from Litchfield Hall – ARM of the Year


Anthony "Fitz" Fiorenzaopens IMAGE file Program of the Year 

This award is given either to a Hall Council, Resident Assistant, Academic Resource Mentor, or a member of the residential student body who has hosted a program that has best suited the university and the needs of the community.

Recipient: Anthony “Fitz” Fiorenza’s BASH FALL


Grasso Hallopens IMAGE file Hall Council of the Year 

This award is given to a Hall Council that has facilitated successful programming, has made an impact on their resident hall, and has ultimately coincided with the Department of Housing and Residence Life’s C.U.L.T.U.R.E. program. The award is voted upon by the Inter-Residence Hall Association, which represents the residential student body.

Recipient: Grasso Hall Council


Program Activities Council Award

The Galleryopens IMAGE file

Awarded by the Program Activities Council. Announced by: Megan Waldrop, PAC President


Outstanding Student Program

This award is presented to a student or group who is deemed to have initiated and executed the program, excluding PAC programs, that had the largest impact on the campus community during the year.

Recipient: The Gallery by It’s On Us


Leadership, Compassion and Creativity Certificate Program Graduates

LCCC Logoopens IMAGE file The Leadership, Compassion and Creativity Certificate program is a leadership program that provides an opportunity for students to receive a certificate by exploring the values of leadership, compassion, & creativity across all Student Affairs disciplines and with people of all communities. This program takes a student’s co-curricular activities, leadership roles and community service hours and combines them into one leadership certificate. Announced by: Dennis Leszko, Director of the Center for Student Involvement

The 2020 graduates of the program are:

Caitlyn Barry         

Sengmuy Kouch

Mariana Martins

Heather Morey

Erika Sabovik

William Silvia

LCCC leaders are those who are innovative and inspire others to find new and diverse ways to solve problems. They lead sympathetically by understanding that all people learn and succeed through different avenues of guidance. At the end of completing the LCCC, students are able to explain how they have become more compassionate and creative leaders; and explain how participation in LCCC has shaped their understanding of leadership.

Greek Council Awards

Matt Zaffutoopens IMAGE file

Awarded by the Greek Council. Announced by: Dennis Leszko, Director of the Center for Student Involvement


New Greek Member of the Year

This award goes to an individual who is new to the Greek community and has made a significant contribution to his/her Greek organization, the Greek Council, and the university.  Nominations were solicited from individuals and Greek organizations.

Recipient: Matthew Zaffuto


Jane Stockopens IMAGE file Outstanding Greek Member of the Year

This award goes to the individual who has made a significant contribution to his/her Greek organization, the Greek Council, and the university.  Nominations were solicited from individuals and Greek organizations.

Recipient: Jane Stock


Highest GPA for a Greek Letter Organization
Sigma Delta Tauopens IMAGE file

Awarded to the Greek organization with the highest cumulative grade point average at the end of the previous fall semester.

Recipient: Sigma Delta Tau


John Tamas Memorial Emerging Student Leader

Bella DiMartinoopens IMAGE file Awarded by the Division of Student Affairs. Announced by: Dr. Walter Cramer, Dean of Students

This award goes to a Freshman or Sophomore who has demonstrated superior leadership capability and potential.

Recipient: Bella DiMartino

The Emerging Student Leader Award committee met and, with a large number of outstanding first and second year students nominated, overwhelmingly chose Bella DiMartino to receive the John Tamas Emerging Student Leader Award for 2020. Bella started at WCSU in the Fall of 2019 and is majoring in Communications with a minor in Theater. She has been working as a Career Peer Leader in the Career Success Center where she has proven to be an invaluable asset to her peers and the center. She has drive, compassion and continuously adapts to the incredible changes in her own life and the lives of the students around her. Bella is also a member of PIBE, the WCSU coed a cappella group, as well as WIG (Western Improv Group). Bella is a member of the WCSU Honors Program and has been volunteering both on campus and in the community. Bella is a true leader at WCSU and takes pride in helping and mentoring her fellow students in any way she can.

SLRB Committee Student Organization of the Year Awards

Awarded by the Student Leadership Recognition Banquet (SLRB) Committee. Announced by: John Murphy, Director of Event & Conference Management and SGA Advisor; Ryan Cooke, Assistant to the Director of Housing & Residence Life and Residence Director of Centennial Hall; Daryle Dennis, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of InterCultural Affairs.


Western Marketing Associationopens IMAGE file Ancell School of Business – Student Organization of the Year  

This award is presented to a student organization that has shown outstanding commitment to its organizational goals and program planning, has made an impact on the campus and surrounding community, and the leadership development of its group members.

Recipient: Western Marketing Association


Student Nurses Associationopens IMAGE file School of Professional Studies – Student Organization of the Year 

This award is presented to a student organization that has shown outstanding commitment to its organizational goals and program planning, has made an impact on the campus and surrounding community, and the leadership development of its group members.

Recipient: Student Nurses Association



Chemistry Clubopens IMAGE file Macricostas School of Arts & Sciences Student Organization of the Year 

This award is presented to a student organization that has shown outstanding commitment to its organizational goals and program planning, has made an impact on the campus and surrounding community, and the leadership development of its group members.

Recipient: Chemistry Club


Western Improv Groupopens IMAGE file School of Visual and Performing Arts – Student Organization of the Year 

This award is presented to a student organization that has shown outstanding commitment to its organizational goals and program planning, has made an impact on the campus and surrounding community, and the leadership development of its group members.

Recipient: Western Improv Group


It's On Usopens IMAGE file General Interest and Community Service – Student Organization of the Year  

This award is presented to a student organization that has shown outstanding commitment to its organizational goals and program planning, has made an impact on the campus and surrounding community, and the leadership development of its group members.

Recipient: It’s On Us


Gender & Sexuality Allianceopens IMAGE file Diversity – Student Organization of the Year 

This award is presented to a student organization that has shown outstanding commitment to its organizational goals and program planning, has made an impact on the campus and surrounding community, and the leadership development of its group members.

Recipient: Gender & Sexuality Alliance


Student Government Association Awards

Awarded by the Student Government Association. Announced by: Paul Horkan, SGA President


John Rocheopens IMAGE file

Macricostas School of Arts and Sciences – Outstanding Faculty Member 

This award is given to a faculty member from the Macricostas School of Arts & Sciences for outstanding contribution to WCSU students.

Recipient: John Roche

John Roche is a WCSU MFA Alumnus Class of 2012, MFA Mentor, and Author of Bronx Bound: A Novel. Following a 25-year career as an award-winning journalist, he continues to freelance for regional magazines and newspapers and is also a full-time faculty member in the WCSU Writing Dept., leading the undergraduate journalism program.


Louisa Burns Bisognoopens IMAGE file
School of Visual & Performing Arts – Outstanding Faculty Member 

This award is given to a faculty member from the School of Visual & Performing Arts for outstanding contribution to WCSU students.

Recipient: Louisa Burns-Bisogno

Louisa Burns-Bisogno is an award-winning screenwriter, director, author, and international media consultant with over 100 on-screen credits. She is an “O’Neill” playwright, a winner of the National Playwrights Conference, and teaches playwriting, screenwriting and writing for the web at Western Connecticut State University. 


School of Professional Studies – Outstanding Faculty Member
April Moreiraopens IMAGE file

This award is given to a faculty member from the School of Professional Studies for outstanding contribution to WCSU students.

Recipient: April Moreira

April Moira is a WCSU alum and earned her M.S.W. from Fordham University. She is passionate about helping others and has dedicated herself to the profession of social work and everything it represents. She is a full-time faculty member in the WCSU Social Work Department.


Ancell School of Business – Outstanding Faculty Member 

This award is given to a faculty member from the Ancell School of Business for outstanding contribution to WCSU students.

Terrence Dwyeropens IMAGE file

Recipient: Terrence Dwyer

Terrence Dwyer retired from the New York State Police after a 22-year career, 17½ years of which were as an Investigator in the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI). His law practice has included several general practice areas and over the past several years Professor Dwyer has been involved in police litigation and disciplinary cases either as an attorney or as a consultant. He is a CSU Professor in the Division of Justice and Law at WCSU.

The Fernando & Alice Fernandes Award

Awarded to a member of the classified staff who has made significant contribution to student life.

Recipient: Karla Gonzales (from Sodexo)


Cathy Kostopens IMAGE file Award of Merit

Awarded for outstanding service to the entire student body.  A non-student member of the WCSU community whose dedication to the students and student life has gone far above and beyond his/her obligations.

Recipient: Cathy Kost


Mariana Martinsopens IMAGE file Student Award of Merit

Awarded to a student who has dedicated him/herself to outstanding service to the student body.

Recipient: Mariana Martins


Outstanding Student Organization
Latin American Student Organization Logoopens IMAGE file

Awarded to a student organization that has excelled in all areas.

Recipient: Latin American Student Organization (LASO)


Photography Clubopens IMAGE file Outstanding New Student Organization

Awarded to a student organization that has formed this year and has shown outstanding progress, programming, and development.

Recipient: WCSU Photography Club


Olivia Geigeropens IMAGE file Outstanding Senator

Awarded to a senator in the Student Government Association for outstanding service.

Recipient: Olivia Geiger


Emily Reyesopens IMAGE file
Outstanding Representative

Awarded to a senator in the Student Government Association for outstanding service.

Recipient: Emily Reyes


Patty Gillottiopens IMAGE file
SGA President’s Award (tie)

Awarded to a student or other member of the university community who has contributed to helping student organizations on campus.

Recipient: Patricia Gillotti, WCSU Police Department


R Averell Manesopens IMAGE file

Awarded to a student or other member of the university community who has contributed to helping student organizations on campus.

Recipient: Dr. R. Averell Manes, Department of Social Sciences


SGA President’s Award for Outstanding Student Leadership

Danny Menopens IMAGE file

This award is presented to a student who has displayed outstanding leadership skills and has actively worked toward bettering the community and student life on campus during their time here at Western Connecticut State University.

Recipient: Danny Men

Jesse Lewis Compassion Award

Erika Sabovikopens IMAGE file Awarded by the Center for Compassion, Creativity & Innovation. Announced by: Dr. Christopher Kukk, Director of the Center for Compassion Creativity & Innovation, the Kathwari Honors Program, and Professor of  Political Science; and Scarlett Lewis, mother of Jesse Lewis, and founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation

This award is presented to a student whose compassion (actively helping others to solve or overcome their problems or suffering) knows no bounds.  This award is in memory of Jesse Lewis, the 6-year-old Sandy Hook student who saved the lives of 9 other first graders on December 14, 2012.

Recipient: Erika Sabovik

Dr. Chris Kukk: “We are so proud to present this award to Erika Sabovik. Erika’s courage in helping so many LGBTQ students through so many trying times – she has earned an award just for that. But she is also the first Western Connecticut State University graduate with a Social Entrepreneurship degree – in other words, she is going to go out into the world, make it a better place for everyone!”

Watch the full-length award video here.

Community Service Award

WestConn Athletic Teamsopens IMAGE file Awarded by the Division of Student Affairs. Announced by Dr. Walter Cramer, Dean of Students.

This award is presented to the club, organization or student that shows exemplary effort to volunteer and serve the community around them.

Recipient: WestConn Athletic Teams

The 2019-20 academic year saw the WestConn Athletic Department contribute over 3,000 hours to the community through a variety of service activities. Each team participated in the 2019 WCSU Day of Service while also spending time throughout the year at local schools, food pantries, and with youth teams. Community service within the department is also led by the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) who hosted a Halloween event for more than 200 local children and participated in the holiday Adopt-a-Family program. As a result of this dedication to giving back, WestConn Athletics won the 2020 NCAA Team Works Challenge.

Outstanding Advisor (tie)Michele Hossanopens IMAGE file

Awarded by Student Life/Student Activities. Announced by Dennis Leszko, Director of the Center for Student Involvement

Awarded to the Advisor that best promotes the growth potential of student organizations, assists with their maintenance, and stimulates the development of programs that not only enrich the campus but also aid the development of students.

Recipient: Michele Hossan – Newman Club


Pano Koukopoulosopens IMAGE file Awarded by Student Life/Student Activities. Announced by Dennis Leszko, Director of the Center for Student Involvement

Awarded to the Advisor that best promotes the growth potential of student organizations, assists with their maintenance, and stimulates the development of programs that not only enrich the campus but also aid the development of students.

Recipient: Pano Koukopoulos – Adventure Club


Alumni Association Outstanding Student Leader Awards (tie)

Awarded by the WCSU Alumni Association. Announced by: Ray Lubus, President of the Alumni Association

Danny Menopens IMAGE file

This award is given each year to a student who has exemplified the qualities of a student leader.

Recipient: Danny Men

Danny Men, from Danbury, Connecticut, started in the Student Government Association as a Freshman Senator and has not looked back since. He has been SGA Vice President of Finance not just for one term but two terms, a feat that has not been achieved in over a decade. Danny took on the monumental task of reshaping the SGA budgeting process, and his impact on the organization has been gigantic. In addition, Danny is known for his dedication and fairness in his dealings with the student organizations on campus. Always polite, gracious, and kind, Danny is well known and liked amongst his fellow students, faculty and staff on campus. Besides being SGA VP, Danny is a Computer Science major, works in Information Technology & Innovation, and is enrolled in the ROTC program at Yale.


Awarded by the WCSU Alumni Association. Announced by Ray Lubus, President of the Alumni Association.

Victoria Tralliopens IMAGE file This award is given each year to a student who has exemplified the qualities of a student leader.

Recipient: Victoria Tralli

Victoria (Tori) Tralli has given her all to WCSU from day one! A Bethel, Connecticut native and a natural leader, she decided she was going to be involved in everything that she could. And, as the saying goes, the rest is history. Tori, who is a graduating senior, works 2 jobs, is a full-time commuter student, HPX major, and is involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness. She is a 4 year member and Senior Tri Captain of the WCSU Cheer Team and was also elected President of the WCSU Commuter Student Organization. She served as an excellent Orientation Leader for several years and committed herself to being involved in both campus and community service projects. She has a wonderful energy about her that is special to be around and has an incredibly magnetic personality. Tori is a great role model and represents the true embodiment of a WCSU Student Leader.

Walter B. Bernstein Vice President’s Award for Student Leadership 

Presented by the Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Keith Betts

This award is given each year to a student who has shown dedication, passion, and immense effort toward the improvement of Student Life throughout their tenure at WCSU.

Eroka Sabovikopens IMAGE file Recipient: Erika Sabovik

The Walter B. Bernstein Vice President’s Award for Student Leadership is given each year to a student who has shown dedication, passion and immense effort toward the improvement of Student Life throughout her tenure at WCSU. This year’s recipient is an extraordinary student leader, Erika Sabovik. Erika is President of the WCSU Gender & Sexuality Alliance, a member of the Kathwari Honors Program, a student worker in CSI and social media assistant, the student representative on the Campus Response and Resource Team (CaRRT) and a trainer and content developer with the Women’s Center for LGBTQ+ campus-wide trainings.

Perhaps more than anything Erika has taken on the major leadership role in responding to student and even faculty/staff questions about supporting our LGBTQ+ students which led to the development with the Women’s Center of a training program offered across campus. Erika has been seen as the “go to” person ​among her peers for support which placed a lot of responsibility on Erika’s shoulders. Despite the outstanding job Erika was doing, as a true leader ​she knew this was bigger than her and reached out to campus leaders for support, to advocate for more recognition of the issues, for a PRIDE Center and for developing training programs. Erika has emerged as a leader at a time when the LGBTQ+ community and the WCSU community most needed someone to pull us together to address an important campus and societal issue.  Erika rose to the challenge and has done an outstanding job! ​We are so proud to have Erika as a part of our community. 

On behalf of the SLRB Committee, a great, big thank you to all of the student leaders who stepped up this year, whether you were recognized with an award or not. The same to all of the advisors to student organizations; all of your hard work is appreciated. And thank you to all of the presenters who found a way to record themselves or ventured on campus to be recorded and announce the recipients of this year’s awards. All recipients will be invited to next year’s awards banquet. Also a huge thank you to Christian Gagnier and the entire team of Media Services who worked very hard to put this video together. 

Members of the 2020 Student Leadership Recognition Banquet Committee (alphabetical by last name):

Caitlyn Barry, Fraternity and Sorority Life Representative

Subhatra Chelladurai, SGA Vice President of Student Relations

Ashley Christensen, CSI Graduate Intern for Programming

Ryan Cooke, Residence Hall Director

Walter Cramer, Dean of Students

Daryle Dennis, Assistant Dean of Students

Virginia Diaz, Administrative Assistant in Student Affairs

Carlos Dos Santos, CSI Graduate Intern for Clubs and Organizations

Ryan Farrell, Residence Hall Director

Oni Figueroa, Administrative Assistant in the Center for Student Involvement (unintentionally left off the video credits – sorry, Oni)

Paul Horkan, SGA President

Danielle King, Secretary for HPX and English Departments

James Lavery, IRHA President

Dennis Leszko, Director of CSI & SGA Advisor

Kourtney McKinney,  CSI Graduate Intern for FSL and Leadership

John Murphy, Director of Event & Conference Management & SGA Advisor

Ellen Ober, Administrative Assistant in AccessAbility Services

Birte Pfitzner, CSU Administrative Assistant in Student Affairs

Jane Stock, Greek Council President

Megan Waldrop, PAC President

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