Technology Fee
In the Fall of 1996, all registered students at Western began paying a technology fee as part of their tuition. The money generated from this fee is used to bring technology directly to the students and to enhance their educational and life experiences at the University.
Information Technology & Innovation has and continues to manage the money from the technology fee for the Student Technology Training Center, the library, support for student clubs and organizations, and the residence halls.
Your Technology Fee has already brought you:
- The Student Technology Training Center (STTC), located on the second floor of the Student Center in room 225, which houses state-of-the-art IBM PC and Apple workstations containing several graphic design software packages.
- Upgrades of equipment in all of the computing facilities, upgrades of technology in the classrooms including projection units and instructor/student workstations, and personnel employed in the STTC and computing centers.
- Access to the internet from the residence halls. Students can access the internet via an ethernet connection and/or wireless connection. To learn more about connecting devices to the student wireless network, click this link: Student Wireless Network