Watershed Classroom Kits to Borrow Grades 5-12
NOAA B-WET Funded Activities
Listed below are products developed for teachers to borrow as a result of NOAA B-WET funding. These experiments and hands-on activities are available for teachers to check out and use with their students!
Activity 1: Buoyancy
Professor Theodora Pinou
Contact email: pinouT@wcsu.edu
*Box will include all project worksheets and supplies*
Activity 2: Water Testing
Professor Theodora Pinou
Contact email:pinouT@wcsu.edu
*Box will include all project worksheets and supplies*
Activity 3: Winogradsky
Professor Hannah Reynolds
Contact email: reynoldsh@wcsu.edu
Handouts and Supplemental Material
*Box will include all project worksheets and supplies*
Activity 4:
GPS Location Activity
Heating The Earth: Learn about heat transfer
Professor Theodora Pinou
Contact email: pinout@wcsu.edu
*Box will include all project worksheets and supplies*
Activity 5: Mudd watts
WCSU Biology Department has a quantity of MuddWatts kits to lend to science teachers. This hands-on experiment demonstrates that electricity can be produced by anaerobe bacteria found in mud. Students collect mud, arrange in glass columns, and construct batteries to collect the electricity. This lesson can be conducted, observed and recorded by students for a month or more.
Biology Professor Hannah Reynolds
Contact email: reynoldsh@wcsu.edu
MuddWatt: “How To” Guide (Espanol)
MudWatt Power and Microbe Population Calculator
For other information see https://www.magicalmicrobes.com/
*Box will include all project worksheets and supplies*
Activity 6: Diadromous Fish Activity
Biology Professor Michelle Monette
Contact email: monettem@wcsu.edu
Anadromous Fish Activity Packet
*Box will include all project worksheets and supplies*