Finding Our Way - WCSU STEM

Stewardship Award Winner

Eva George, Westside Middle School Academy, receives First Place WCSU NOAA B-WET Stewardship Award for 2020!



Local Middle Schooler wins NOAA B-Wet Stewardship Award

(WCSU Press Release)

After reviewing about a dozen applications Eva George’s commitment to her watershed stewardship earned her the top $100 prize! Eva’s stewardship project was developed out of her concern for the health of her family and friends, and their pets, all of which use the lawn by their home for recreation.  Eva learned about the chemicals used by a landscaping company and suggested that manually removing dandelions was a more efficient way to control this weed, and in-return increase insect and pollinator diversity. Eva’s project included observation, and experimentation, as well as using her data and observations to communicate alternative approaches to managing recreational spaces that also support healthier watersheds because there is less chemical runoff. We also want to recognize Eva’s teacher, Ms. Beth Manning, for sharing this event opportunity with her students, and encouraging them to participate in safe, personally relevant, and impactful outdoor learning experiences. Eva aims to continue her research for her 8th-grade science fair project, and we wish her lots of luck!