Cultural Resource Management
CRM is a unique minor that introduces students to the field of historic preservation. In the past few years, WestConn students have nominated properties to the State Register, applied for historic preservation grants, and helped Danbury become a Certified Local Government (a program of the National Park Service). Students have also worked with the State Archaeologist and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) as well as with a variety of CRM firms and museums to survey, test, excavate and record historic sites. This minor serves as a stepping stone for careers in historic preservation, whether at the level of the federal government (e.g., National Park Service) or at the local level (e.g., planning and zoning for a particular township).
Required Courses for a cultural resource minor program (18 credits minimum):
- Ant 341 Cultural Resource Management
- Ant 313 Methods and Theory in Archaeology or
GEO 215 Geographical Information Systems
- Ant 225 Introduction to Archaeology
Ant 226 New England Archaeology
- Ant 229 Summer Field School in Archaeology
You may take the field school at any of the CSU universities
- Ant 297 Internship with a CRM firm or a museum
Via WestConn’s Cooperative Education Program & Dr. Weinstein
Recommended additional courses: Ant 213 North American Indians and Ant 312 Lab course in Archaeology
If you wish to sign up for this Minor or learn more about it, please make an appointment to see the Program Advisor, Dr. Laurie Weinstein, Department of Social Sciences. 203 837-8453,