Sigma Xi Spring 2019 Meet and Greet
WCSU Chapter President, Dr. Hannah Reynolds, describes the Student
Research Showcase online event and new initiatives that the Chapter is
working to develop.
Members of the WCSU Sigma Xi Chapter at the Spring 2019 Sigma Xi
Meet and Greet.
Sigma Xi Research Award Winners
2019 Sigma Xi Research Award Committee Chair, Dr. Joshua Cordeira,
presenting Max Simpson (Senior Biochemistry Major) his nomination
Max Simpson with his research advisor, Dr. Helena Prieto.
2019 Sigma Xi Research Award Committee Chair, Dr. Joshua Cordeira,
presenting Jasmine Grey (Junior Biology Major) her nomination
Jasmine Grey with her research advisor, Dr. Hannah Reynolds.
2019 Sigma Xi Research Award Committee Chair, Dr. Joshua Cordeira,
presenting Kayla DeGuzman (Senior Biology Major) her award.
Kayla DeGuzman with her research advisor, Dr. Theodora Pinou.