Purchasing Department

Procurement Card (P-Card)

Welcome to the Western Connecticut State University Procurement Credit Card Program. The procurement credit card is a procurement tool which offers an extremely efficient and effective method of purchasing and paying for goods and services.  The procurement credit card concept is designed to delegate authority and capability to quickly and conveniently purchase approved commodities directly from vendors that accept the MasterCard credit card.

The benefits of the procurement card to you and Western Connecticut State University are significant.

Benefits to the Cardholder:

Goods and services can be more quickly and easily obtained.

Work related to the purchase of and payment for goods and services is significantly reduced.

More efficient use of time will enable employees to focus on the value-added aspects of their jobs.

Benefits to the University:

Reduces the number of requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and checks.

Enables Purchasing and Accounts Payable to focus on higher yield value-added activities.

The procurement credit card is designed to be used for purchases related to University business only. Use of the card for personal purchases is strictly prohibited. The Purchasing Department is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the Procurement Credit Card Program. If you have any questions regarding the program, or the appropriate use of the procurement credit card, please contact:

Lisa Condon, condonl@wcsu.edu, Director for Administrative Services at 837-8657.
Jennifer Schenkel, schenkelj@wcsu.edu, Purchasing Assistant at 837-8660.

The University’s Purchasing Department is located in the lower level of University Hall, Midtown Campus, Room 008.

Use the links at the bottom of this page to obtain details regarding the use of the P-Card.

P-Card Quick Tips

P-Card Restricted Purchases

State of Connecticut Credit Card Use Policy

P-Card form for misplaced receipts *NEW 11/18/24*

Smart Data Online (SDOL) Instruction Sheet

P-Card Application Form (docx) *NEW 1/31/25*

*NEW* Revised Cardholder Agreement Form (docx)

The P-Card Manual, P-Card Quick tips, State of CT Credit Card Use Policy, SDOL Instruction Sheet and Misplaced receipt form are presented in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.