Purchasing Department


Quick Reference Guide

Which Form Do I Use (PDF) *NEW as of 5/24


Purchasing Requisition Form

The online purchase requisition form allows users to enter data into an electronic form which generates a customized purchase requisition. The form can then be printed, signed by the appropriate budget authority and submitted to the purchasing department.  For training on using the on-line purchasing requisition form please contact Jenn Schenkel at 7-8660.

Departments can also use a purchase requisition form to be completed by hand, to be submitted to the purchasing department for processing. Each requisition contains a unique purchase requisition number. Requisition forms can be ordered from  the Shipping and Receiving Department using the supply requisition form.(PDF)

All requisitions must contain the following information:

Complete item description including part numbers if applicable
Number of items required
Accurate cost information, including quotation/price reference
Funding source information
Delivery information
Suggested vendor or vendors: phone, fax and or email information
Contract award number if applicable

Purchase Requisition (fillable PDF) *NEW as of 7/9/24*

If you have any questions about this fillable  purchase requisition form please contact the purchasing department at 7-8657 or 7-8660.


Lecturer Agreement (PDF) *NEW as of 10/14/24*

Entertainer Agreement (PDF) *NEW as of 10/8/24*


PSA – Honorarium Fillable Rev. 11-11-24 (fillable PDF) PSA Honoraria late submittal form (PDF)

The service and Honoraria request form may be used for fees for professional services for a constituent unit of higher education that are provided by an entertainer, accompanist, artistic director, set designer, choreographer, public speaker, athlete, referee , or trainer, A PSA is ordinarily required for payment of an honoraria. However for honoraria of $5,000.00 or less, use this form. This honoraria form must be processed prior to the engagement. If the service provider is a state employee, a Dual Employment request form must be completed. In accordance with C.G.S. 1-84 (i) a state employee and his/her immediate family are prohibited from entering into contracts with the state with a value of $100.00 or more unless the contract has been awarded through an open and public process.

Food Service Request App – Rev. 3/17/24 (online)

1. The Food Service Form should be submitted 2 weeks in advance of the event. Food service will not be performed without an approved Food Service form.
2. Meals or refreshments will be provided for “all University” business as approved by the appropriate Dean or Vice President responsible for the area (examples might be, but are not limited to: Admissions recruiting, orientation meetings, registration, evaluation teams, graduation functions, etc.)
3. Expenses for luncheon or dinner meetings held in connection with University business or the entertaining of guest visiting the University on official business is allowable. Luncheon expenses of university employees are usually a personal responsibility; however, food service may be allowed when:
a. It is necessary to hold a luncheon meeting to carry out the business of the University or the business of a University committee.
b. A member of a search committee hosts a candidate for a position.
c. A department employee hosts a visiting lecturer, potential donor or other official guest to the University.

Food Service Late Submittal Form (fillable PDF) *new as of 5/17/24*

Disbursement Form  (fillable PDF) – after obtaining the appropriate signatures please forward the completed form to the Accounts Payable office – 203-837-8378

Disbursement forms are used for the following:

Personal refund/reimbursements
Authorize payment for PSA/Honorarium
Food Reimbursement for food purchased off campus by individuals
College Fair Registrations/tables
Online web conference registration/payments – where no travel is involved

Justification for Sole Source Transactions Rev. 7-28-22 (fillable PDF)

“Sole Source” is when the vendor is the only source from which particular goods or services can be purchased. “Sole Acceptable Brand or Model” ( a.k.a. “no substitute”)   occurs when similar types of products/services may exist, but the item requested, for reasons of standardization, quality, compatibility with existing equipment, specifications, technical features, expertise, etc., is the only brand acceptable to the requester or the University. Note that “no substitute” or “sole brand” products/services may be available from more than one source and, if so, may be subject to competitive bidding to those sources as outlined above. Note: The VP of Finance or their designee has the responsibility to determine sole source applicability or to proceed with a competitive bid.

Department of Administrative Services Contract Process (PDF)

Pre-Authorization Form (online form)

The Pre-Authorization form will be required to initiate contracts and/or solicitation requests through the Department of Administrative Services. The purpose of the form is to prioritize requests in the order in which they are received. In addition, the form will help mitigate certain questions in advance of preparing a draft contract or solicitation. The form is to be submitted to Lisa Condon’s attention in advance of any contract or procurement process.

The Honorarium, Sample Requisition, Sole Source , Disbursement , and Supply Requisition form are presented in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please download and install it from Adobe’s web site.