18th ANNUAL CSU Psychology Day at
Western Connecticut State University
Midtown Campus
Friday, May 1, 2015
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- A CSU student must be the first author on all submissions.
- Applicants must use the Submission Form and submit the form electronically.
- The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is April 17, 2015
- All first authors will be notified of the status of their posters (accepted/not accepted) by: April 24, 2015.
Poster Guidelines
- Students can use standard poster boards or get their posters printed. Poster boards are self-standing displays; the dimensions and layout of the poster board are shown below.
- Please make sure that all text and figures are readable from at least 4 feet away.
- You may wish to prepare extra copies of your paper or other handouts to give to interested individuals.
Questions? Contact Dr. Rondall Khoo (203.837.8727 or KhooR@wcsu.edu) or Dr. Shane Murphy (203.837.9398 or MurphyS@wcsu.edu).