Elective Course Recommendations
If you are uncertain about what courses to take as electives and if you would like to register for courses that are in some way relevant to your psychology major, you might want to consider the courses listed below. Depending on your own specific interests in Psychology, one or more of the following courses could serve as excellent supplements to your knowledge base.
ANT 100: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANT 110: Introduction to Physical Anthropology
ANT 301: Human Evolutionary Theory
BIO 100: Concepts of Biology
BIO 105 & 106: Anatomy and Physiology I and II
BIO 208: Animal Behavior
BIO 312: Genetics
BIO 325: Evolutionary Biology
CS 135: Intro to Problem Solving w/ Computers
CS 140: Intro to Programming
JLA/SOC 205: Juvenile Delinquency
MGT/PS 202: Intro to Public Administration
MGT 250: Organizational Behavior — PSY has a similar course
MAT 220: Intermediate Statistics
PHI 102: Intro to Logic
PHI 103: Intro to Critical Reasoning
PHI 222: Philosophy of Science