Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pathway (27 credits of Math/Science courses)
Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pathway (27 credits of Math/Science courses)
The pre-requisites for physician assistant programs can vary. It is important for students to determine the specific requirements for each physician assistant program they wish to apply to, in consultation with a pre-health advisor. Most physician assistant programs require the following courses:
- BIO103/BIO104 General Biology I & II (pre-requisite for microbiology)
- BIO105/BIO106 Anatomy and Physiology I & II
- BIO216 General Microbiology
- CHE110/CHE111 General Chemistry I & II
- CHE210 Organic Chemistry
- MAT115 or MAT120 Biostatistics or Statistics
- One semester of a writing intensive course
Other recommended and/or required courses:
- BIO312 Genetics
- CHE211 Organic Chemistry II
- CHE421 and CHE422 Biochemistry I and II
- MAT133 Calculus I with review and/or MAT181 Calculus
- PSY100 Psychology
- Medical terminology (can be taken online)
Other Requirements:
Schools require between 500 – 3000 hours of relevant patient care experience (paramedic, EMT, nurse, ER tech, CNA, etc). The GRE (graduate record examination) is required by some schools.
Physician Assistant programs are highly competitive. While most schools require a minimum GPA of 3.0 to apply, a higher GPA is necessary to be considered. The national average science GPA of students entering into a Physician Assistant program is 3.3.
You can use the following file as a guideline to organize the prerequisites of the schools you are interested in (PA_SchoolComparisonSpreadsheet_WCSU). The information for all accredited PA schools is found here
Additional Information: The Connecticut Academy of Physician Assistants maintains a website for all programs in Connecticut. Their website is
Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pathway Sample Four Year Plan
Fall 1
WRT101 Composition I (FY)
MAT133 Calculus with Review or MAT181 Calculus I (QR)*
BIO103 General Biology I (SI)
CHE110 General Chemistry I (SI)
Spring 1
Writing Intensive (WI)
MAT181 Calculus I with Review OR MAT115 Biostatistics OR MAT120 Statistics (QR)
BIO104 General Biology II
CHE111 General Chemistry II
Fall 2
COM162 Public Speaking (OC)
Foreign Language Part I (IC)
CHE210 Organic Chemistry I
Major Course
Gen Ed (HW)
Spring 2
PSY100 Intro to Psychology
Foreign Language Part II (IC)
CHE211 Organic Chemistry II (recommended but not required)
Major Course
Gen Ed (CT)
Fall 3
Major Course
Major Course
BIO105 Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO312 Genetics
Spring 3
Major Course
Major Course
BIO106 Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO216 Microbiology
Fall 4
CHE421 Biochemistry I (Macromolecules)
Major Course
Major Course
Major Course
Major Course (W3 & CGE)
Spring 4
Gen Ed (CP)
CHE422 Biochemistry II (Metabolism) (recommended but not required)
Free Elective OR MAT115 or MAT120 Statistics
*Students who did not take pre-calculus in high school are encouraged to take MAT133 Pre-calculus during the summer prior to the start of this program.
Taking multiple lab sciences in a semester can be very challenging. You may wish to reduce your course load and take some courses in the summer. Speak with your advisor about this possibility.