Planning Department

Policies and Procedures

facilities planning process

Western Connecticut State University’s current planning process is based on the 2007 campus master plan that identified capital projects to enable the university to meet its strategic plan. This planning process allows the university to evaluate options for long-term growth and development. It recommends renovations and/or additions, the construction of new buildings, and the adaptive re-use of existing structures. Collectively, the staff of Western’s Facilities Planning & Engineering department, Western’s Campus Design Review Committee and members of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities’ Board of Regents for Higher Education (CSCU) are guided by the campus master plan to create a framework for developing projects that reinforce a sense of academic community in an atmosphere conducive to learning.

Western encourages participation by all segments of its community to determine the most effective use of the university’s facilities. A building committee for each campus building has been established, with each chaired by a dean, department head or presidential appointee. Each building committee is charged with evaluating facility modification requests made by its occupants. Recommendations then are made to the vice president of finance and administration. New building projects are assigned to a building committee, comprised of faculty member(s) and administrators and chaired by the director of Facilities Planning & Engineering. Ultimately, all major construction issues are brought before the university administration for consideration and approval.

In 2002, the Western campus design guidelines document was adopted by the Connecticut State University  Board of Trustees, and a Western CSU review committee was established. All projects pertaining to building exteriors and outdoor public spaces are predicated on the interests, goals and objectives set forth in the design guidelines document.


Permission to agency-administer projects requiring architectural and/or engineering consulting services, or with an estimated value of $50,000 and over,  must be obtained by Western from the Connecticut Department of Construction Services (formerly the Department of Public Works) prior to procuring services for the construction, renovation, repair or alteration of any of its facilities.

Requests for Proposals  (RFP)

In accordance with the policies and procedures as defined by the state Department of Construction Services, and the purchasing guidelines as defined by the Connecticut State University System, Western seeks bid proposals as follows:

  • Construction contracts valued up to $500,000 only are offered to contractors certified as a small business or minority business enterprise with the Department of Administrative Services’ Supplier Diversity Program.
  • All construction contracts estimated to exceed $500,000 are offered to contractors holding a prequalification certificate with the Department of Administrative Services’ Construction Contracts Prequalification Program.

All open Request for Proposal solicitations are posted on the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) contracting portal,  All bids are processed by Western’s purchasing department and must be received before the specified date and time indicated on the bid. All late bids are returned to the vendor unopened.

A bid bond in the amount of ten percent of the bid price must be submitted for projects that exceed $50,000.

THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR’S PREVAILING WAGE REGULATIONS Under the Department of Labor regulations, all public works projects involving new construction must meet prevailing wage requirements if the total cost of the project exceeds $400,000. For projects involving renovation, remodeling, alteration or repair of an existing structure, the dollar limit requiring prevailing wage compliance is $100,000.  The prevailing wage schedule is included in the RFP as part of the bid package.

(Last revised 03-25-13)