Westside Residence Hall and Parking Garage
This is a 350-bed residence hall and 425-car parking garage. Suites include a living/study area, bathroom(s), and small kitchen area and accommodates four to seven students. The building includes community laundering facilities, a large lounge area, a computer technology lab, a fitness center, a game room and vending machine area.
This is a 350-bed residence hall and 425-car parking garage. Suites include a living/study area, bathroom(s), and small kitchen area and accommodates four to seven students. The building includes community laundering facilities, a large lounge area, a computer technology lab, a fitness center, a game room and vending machine area.

Type | New Construction |
Project Budget | $31 million |
Size | 112,000 sq. ft. |
University Representative | Eric J. Lessne |
Architect/Engineer |
Herbert S. Newman Partners, New Haven, CT |
General Contractor |
Konover Construction Corp., Farmington, CT |
Status | Opened Fall 2004 |