Minor in Sustainability
How is it possible to meet the needs of people today without harming the planet or future generations? Sustainability is the project of creating this balance. It is by nature an interdisciplinary project, involving economics (business), ecology (science), and ethics (the humanities). The need to create a sustainable world is one of the great challenges of the 21st century, and a minor in sustainability will empower you to respond to this challenge.
Minor in Sustainability
A minor in sustainability requires 18 credits, including HUM 222 Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, Ethics (3), and 15 more credits derived from the following elective courses. No more than 9 credits in this minor may be taken within a student’s major.
Biology Courses
• BIO 200 Ecology (4)
• BIO 375 Climate Ecology (3)
• BIO 422 Conservation Ecology (4)
Earth Science Courses
• ES 103 Planet Earth (4)
Economics Courses
• ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
• ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
• ECO 240 Environmental Economics (3)
• ECO 317 Economic Development and Growth (3)
Environmental Studies Courses
• ENV 100 Environmental Resources (4)
• ENV/BIO 156 Biology of the Environment (3)
• ENV/MTR 162 Air Pollution Sources (4)
• ENV/SS 250 Society and the Environment (3)
Physics Courses
• PHY/ENV 136 Energy (4)
Geography Courses
• GEO 100 Principles of World Geography (3)
• GEO/ENV 150 Urban Environment as a human Ecological Problem (3)
• GEO 270 The Geography of the Environment and Development (3)
Health Promotion & Exercise Courses
• HPX 100 Health Promotion and Maintenance (3)
• HPX 240 Introduction to Principles of Holistic and Integrative Health (3)
• HPX/HUM 246 Approaches to Well Being in Indo-Tibetan Philosophy (3)
• HPX/HUM 247 Indigenous Spirituality & Environmental Activism (3)
• HPX 353 Environmental and Global Health (3)
Humanistic Studies Courses
• HUM/HPX 246 Approaches to Well Being in Indo-Tibetan Philosophy (3)
• HUM/HPX 247 Indigenous Spirituality & Environmental Activism (3)
• HUM 421 Development & Humanitarian Ethics (3)
Management Courses
• MGT 405 Small Business Entrepreneurship
• MGT 410 Current Issues in Management
Marketing Courses
• MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (3)
Meteorology Courses
• MTR 150 Meteorology (4)
• MTR 240 Climatology (4)
Philosophy Courses
• PHI 225 Ethics and Animals (3)
• PHI 226 Environmental Philosophy (3)
Political Science Courses
• PS 315 Environmental Issues in International Relations (3)
Psychology Courses
• PSY 270 Psychology of Sustainability (3)