Stuart Dalton
Professor of Philosophy
Warner Hall 205
(203) 837-3282
(MA Villanova University 1992, PhD Emory University 1997)
I focus mostly on 19th and 20th century continental philosophy but I love every part of the entire history of philosophy and I never tire of trying to make sense of the whole weird and wonderful story from the very beginning. I hope to keep teaching our history of philosophy sequence (PHI 231 Ancient Philosophy, PHI 232 Medieval Philosophy, PHI 233 Modern Philosophy, PHI 234 19th & 20th Century Philosophy) until I drop dead. I also try to teach Informal Logic (PHI 209) or Formal Logic (PHI 211) every semester, and I love teaching all of these classes whenever possible: PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy; PHI 251 Philosophy in Literature; PHI 262 Philosophy of Love and Friendship; PHI 334 Existentialism; PHI 338 Postmodern Philosophy; PHI 381 Plato’s Dialogues; PHI 388 Kierkegaard and Hegel; PHI 389 Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
If you want to major in philosophy come and see me! Philosophy majors are my favorite people in the universe.
Like all philosophy professors everywhere I’ve also started my own corporation on the side in order to be prepared for the day—which will surely come—when every university on earth decides that allowing students to study philosophy is an obscene indulgence in these desperate times. My corporation, Transcendental Heavy Industries, consolidates the only other marketable skills I possess: repairing houses and cars and bicycles.