Minor in Logic
Logic is the study of arguments—giving reasons to support a conclusion—and arguments come in two different varieties. Deductive or formal arguments support their conclusions with absolute certainty, leaving no room for doubt, while inductive or informal arguments support their conclusions with less than perfect certainty, always leaving some room for doubt and the possibility that the conclusion is false even if the premises are true. We use both informal and formal logic constantly as tools to discover the truth and to persuade others in a respectful and responsible way, so a truly logical person is good at both inductive and deductive logic. This minor gives you the opportunity to demonstrate that you’ve achieved a well-balanced understanding of logic by taking classes in both formal and informal logic.
A minor in logic requires 15 credits, including: PHI 209 Informal Logic and PHI 211 Formal Logic, at least one more class in informal logic from the list below, at least one more class in formal logic from the list below, and at least one other class in either formal or informal logic from the list below. (New courses may be added to those listed below so please contact the Department for an up to date list.)
Formal Logic Courses
exactly one of
MAT 141 Foundational Discrete
MAT/CS 165 Introductory Discrete Mathematics
MAT 207 Proofs
MAT 242 Foundations of Geometry
MAT 342 Topics in Geometry
MAT 359 Introduction to Theory of Computation
CS 215 Computer Architecture
CS 285 Artificial Intelligence
CS 355 Programming Languages
Informal Logic Courses
COM 200 Language and Communication
COM 263 Persuasion and Propaganda
COM 264 Argumentation and Debate
COM 268 Public Communication
COM 276 Debate Workshop
COM 408 Strategies of Persuasion
WRT 103W Composition II: Research and Writing
WRT/JLA 321W Legal Writing
WRT 335W Fact-Based Opinion Writing
WRT 371W Writing the Weird: Conspiracy Theories