To all current and returning students:
As of July 1st 2016 student are no longer required to register vehicles with the university and parking stickers are not required.
Please follow the link for parking rules and regulations, enforcement and appeals or contact the University Police Department at 203-837-9300. You may visit them on Roberts Avenue, Midtown Campus.
Please note that the Fifth Avenue garage is closed at 12am. There is no overnight parking in the Fifth Avenue garage. Overnight parking is allowed in the White Street garage and the Westside garage. There is no parking allowed on the roof of either garage after 11pm.
Visitor parking is only allowed in the Old Main Visitor Parking Lot and the front lot at University Hall and on the Westside Campus on University Boulevard. Students, staff and faculty are not permitted to park in designated visitor parking areas. If a visitor is going to be more than one hour in the Old Main Visitor Parking Lot, a temporary permit must be obtained from the Police Department on Roberts Avenue.
The university does not issue handicapped parking permits. However, the Department of Motor Vehicles may assist you with both permanent and temporary permits for handicapped parking. Please visit the State of Connecticut, Department of Motor Vehicles Web site at for more information. However, the University does have designated handicapped parking spaces, which are marked by signs. Anyone with a valid D.M.V. issued handicapped permit properly displayed may use the handicapped spaces on campus.
The University Police Department issues parking tickets for violations in accordance with all state motor vehicle regulations. Parking fines are payable at the Cashier’s Office. For more information, call the Cashier’s Office at (203) 837-8381.
Everyone has the right to appeal a ticket. Appeal forms are available from the University Police Department at the Midtown Campus. Appeal forms should be addressed to the:
Parking Appeals Committee
c/o University Police Department
Forms may be turned in to the University Police Department.
Appeals are reviewed by an Appeal Committee. The Committee consists of four members including a representative from each of the following groups: instructional faculty, administrative faculty, student body and classified employee group. Members of the committee elect a chairperson. New appointments are made annually. The committee meets monthly to receive and consider all appeals related to traffic violations. The Appeal Committee may allow or disallow any appeal. The decision of the Committee is final and binding. The Appeal Committee will notify the appellant in writing of its decision.