(2011) Pull up a chair: WCSU brings Chekhov classic ‘The Three Sisters’ to the stage
Pull up a chair: WCSU brings Chekhov classic
‘The Three Sisters’ to the stage
DANBURY, CONN. — Western Connecticut State University’s spring production, “The Three Sisters,” will feature something different on the Berkshire Theatre stage from March 2 – 12: the audience. Instead of sitting in the theatre’s auditorium seats, theatre-goers will find themselves in the midst of a living room on couches and easy chairs, as they become background extras in the world of the play.
Because of the on-stage seating, tickets will be limited to 100 for each performance. The play will be staged at 7 p.m. on Opening Night, Wednesday, March 2, and Thursday, March 3. For the remaining nights it will run at 8 p.m. on March 4 – 6, and 9 – 12. There also will be a 3 p.m. matinee on Sunday, March 6, and a 2 p.m. matinee on Saturday, March 12. Tickets will be $20 for adults and $15 for senior citizens and students. On Thursday, March 3, high school students with I.D. will be admitted free. To purchase tickets, call (203) 837-8499 or visit www.wcsu.edu/tickets. The Berkshire Theatre is in Berkshire Hall on the WCSU Midtown campus, 181 White St. in Danbury.
“The Three Sisters,” Anton Chekhov’s classic play, chronicles the decay of the privileged class in Russia at turn of the 20th century. Each character is engaged in a struggle for finding meaning in a rapidly changing world that is beginning to sweep away old and outmoded ideas. The three sisters’ dream of returning to Moscow is the central motif in the play and symbolizes the frustrations of a generation as it seeks to adapt to modern society.
Professor of Theatre Arts Sal Trapani is directing the show.
“This exciting and unique production will be environmental in nature as the audience will be seated in close proximity to the actors,” Trapani said. “This is an experience you will not want to miss!”
The cast features John Stegmaier, of Bridgeport, and Jason Nolan, of Stratford, as Andrei Sergeyevich Prozorov; Chelsea Pinero, of Southbury, and Paige Meehan, of West Hartford, as Natasha Ivanovna; Amy Bentley, of East Lyme, and Rachel Fournier, of Shelton, as Olga Prozorov; Samantha Tuozzolo, of Norwalk, and Alexis Willoughby, of Gaylordsville, as Masha Prozorov; Aline O’Connor, of Colchester, and Katrina Abreu, of Stamford, as Irina Prozorov; Andrew Hendrick, of Fairfield, as Fyodor Ilyich Kulygin; Ryan Naso, of Stamford, as Alexander Ignatyevich Vershinin; Anthony John Mendoza, of Stratford, as Nikolai Luvovich Tuzenbakh; Joel Oramas, of Bridgeport, as Vassili Vassilyevich Solyoni; Conor Daniel Bartram, of Hamden, as Ivan Romanovich Chebutykin; Anthony J. Paparello, of Bristol, as Alexey Petrovich Fedotik; Albert Velez, of Bridgeport, as Vladimir Karlovich Rode; and Sean Spencer, of Westbrook, as Ferapont Spiridonich.
The crew will include Pam McDaniel as producer, Trapani as director, Frank Herbert as technical director, Elizabeth Popiel as set designer, Jessica Camerero as costume designer, Melanie Leff as lighting designer, Josh Leslie as sound designer and Nicole Madar as stage manager.
For tickets or more information, call the Box Office at (203) 837-8499 or go to www.wcsu.edu/tickets.
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