Education - Live Text

A Brief Overview

Effective from Fall 2017 onward, a LiveText Student Membership: Field Experience Edition   will be required for all Education & Educational Psychology students. LiveText student memberships may be purchased   online from This one-time purchase, which is comparable in price to the cost of a textbook, is valid for up to 5 years from the date of your purchase. If you already have a Tk20 account, you will be grandfathered into LiveText in the fall.  However you MUST register your account when you receive the key code email.

When making the decision to require students to purchase LiveText, it was ultimately decided that all* students enrolled in an Education & Educational Psychology program need access to the many benefits LiveText provides. The key benefit for students is that you will have access to faculty feedback on your performance across all Education courses. Having access to this information helps you to reflect on your learning over time. LiveText allows you to share your assessments and showcase how you have met standards and areas that you excel in within your program.

LiveText Student Benefits

  • Unlimited, secure digital online storage with 24/7/365 access.
  • Easy preparation of customized portfolios that you can share
  • Ability to create a classroom management portfolio
  • Privacy unless you wish to share your data with instructors, classmates, peers, and/or employers.
  • All-in-one-portability of work between classes & semesters.
  • Resources, including a rubric maker, standards, assignment templates, curriculum tools, and more.
  • Access to LiveText’s curriculum tools and standards, allowing you to create lesson plans with integrated standards.
  • Showcase your personal growth through program assessments.