
Summary of LCCC Requirements

Leadership, Compassion and Creativity Certificate Road Map

The LCCC Road Map is an outline of the LCCC program.  In order to meet the requirements for completion you will complete a total of four requirements in order to suffice the three disciplines: Leadership, Compassion, & Creativity.


Campus Engagement Community Service Leadership Development Experiential Learning
Requirements Attendance at a minimum of 20 campus events sponsored by WCSU Clubs and Organizations and/or University departments Participation in five Community Service hours per semester with a minimum of 25 community Service hours prior to completion of the program. Attendance at a minimum of 15 various workshops offered by Student Affairs and/or other University departments. Participation in Clubs and Organizations may act as a substitute for certain workshops, assessed on a case by cases basis.     Participation in one of the following areas:

  • Athletics Department Team 
  • Cooperative Education
  • RD – TO – BE
  • Certification as a Peer Educator 
  • Service as; PAC, NPC, IFC, SGA, IRHA, REC
    Council President, or President of an organization/club
    approved by the Program Director(s)
  • Service as; On-campus employment as
    a supervisory role (potential examples: RA, Campus and
    Student Center Supervisor(s)


  • Students can participate in multiple programs from the four requirements each semester. They can decide how long they want to take to complete the LCCC as long as all requirements are fulfilled by their graduation.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to read through the requirements of each program and schedule accordingly as some programs will require a full semester’s commitment.
  • Students must complete a reflection at the end of the program to summarize their experience in the LCCC program. This reflection can be used as a guiding tool when creating the storyboard to be presented on the “Certificate Day” signifying their completion of the program.
  • Students are required to create a storyboard to be presented at “Certificate Day” explaining how the program has influenced them.

Interested in learning more about LCCC? Click below to make an appointment with one of the Program Directors.

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