Office of Judicial Affairs

Survivor’s Bill of Rights

Federal Law entitles survivors to the following rights:

  • The accuser and the accused have the same opportunity to have others present throughout the disciplinary proceedings.
  • Both parties shall be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding.
  • Survivors shall be informed of their options to notify law enforcement.
  • Survivors shall be notified of counseling services available on- and off-campus.
  • Survivors shall be notified of options for changing academic and living situations.

WCSU is committed to the following:

  • The Connecticut State University System (CSUS) Student Code of Conduct outlines the campus disciplinary process. Students have the right to know the range of sanctions the institution can impose on the accuse, which include: Warning; Written Reprimand; Probation; Loss of Privileges; Restitution; Discretionary Sanctions; Residence Hall Warning; Residence Hall Probation; Residence Hall Suspension; Suspension; Residence Hall Expulsion; and Expulsion. The full text of this can be found in the Student Handbook, published by the university, or at:
  • Survivors have the right to know that any disclosure of sexual assault made to a university employee can result in a report as an annual crime statistic (with the survivor’s name withheld).
  • Survivors have a right to privacy and confidentiality. The university must have a waiver signed by the student in order to share information with any third party, including parents.

Additionally, the university is committed to ensuring that survivors are afforded the following:

  • The right to a survivor advocate of their choosing. (For additional information and resources about survivor advocacy, contact the The Center for Empowerment and Education: (203) 837-3939.)
  • In a campus disciplinary hearing, survivors have a variety of options for how they offer their testimony, including phone conference, or private room. (For additional information, contact the Office of Judicial Affairs: (203) 837-8770.)