Student Care Team (SCT)
The Student Care Team (SCT) at WCSU is a multi-disciplinary leadership team established to foster essential information sharing and collaboration. The SCT’s purpose is to monitor, assess, intervene, consult, and refer in order to remove barriers to student success and wellbeing. Students often come to college with various social, emotional, developmental, physical and, sometimes, mental health issues. These can create challenges as they can interfere with academic success or cause concern in residence life settings, in the classroom, or on campus.
As a member of the WCSU community, you are in a unique position to identify signs of concern and connect students to services that support their success. Any member of the university community can submit documentation of a concern regarding someone who is exhibiting behaviors or signs of academic, social or emotional distress. Any member can contact one of the offices representing the SCT, and speak to a representative who can determine if the concern falls into the domain of the SCT. If you are unsure whether a concern you have is something the SCT can assist with, ask anyway. The more opportunity we have to provide resources to our students, the better.
Ask yourself the following:
- Is this behavior significantly out of the ordinary?
- Is this student consistently disruptive?
- Is this behavior impacting the learning environment?
- Is the behavior getting worse, even with classroom management techniques?
- Does the behavior put anyone at risk?
- Is this situation beyond my skill level or training?
- Do I want to talk with someone before determining a course of action?
Please access and complete the online form here:
Online Form
To insure a clear and efficient process to resolve concerns about student behavior, we believe that the Student Care Team should be activated by one of its members. In communicating with faculty and staff about the team, there is a need to provide information about who is the best contact, and that depends upon the nature of the situation that is of concern.
For Faculty: If the matter involves behavior in the classroom that cannot be redirected despite several attempts and is having a negative effect on the classroom dynamics, dynamics, it is recommended that you ask the student to meet with you prior to the next class. At this meeting, it is advised to set the parameters that are acceptable behavior and let the student know if those parameters are not met, you will as the student need to leave the class and to meet with you and your department chair prior to the student’s return to your class. Hopefully the issue can be resolved with the chair as a third party. If the student does not accept these parameters or if the students accepts them but upon returning to class violates them, then it is recommended that the faculty member, the Chair and the student meet with the academic dean.
If the matter needs an immediate response, dial 911, and the WCSU Police will respond.
This action can have a number of results depending on the nature of the emergency. If it is health related, an ambulance would be called. If it is related to problematic behavior, depending on the seriousness of the act, the student could be arrested, referred to Judicial Affairs or both.
If an arrest or a report to Judicial Affairs were made, the matter would be resolved as quickly as possible, and the faculty member would be apprised of the resolution.
If the matter does not rise to the level of an emergency but you believe is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, contact Charles Alexander, Director of Judicial Affairs, at 7-8770. You would complete a report which would generate an investigation. If the student has violated the Conduct Code, there would be a meeting with the Judicial Affairs Officer or a hearing. You would be apprised of the resolution.
If the matter is of concern but is not affecting the classroom directly, then contact the Student Care Team by clicking on the online form above and someone will get back to you within 24 hours Monday through Friday. Examples of such behavior include a suspicion of substance abuse or an observed change in temperament from friendly to sullen. Within a reasonable amount of time, follow-up would be provided by the Dean of Students, consistent with laws/regulations of confidentiality.
If the student has an accommodation and has stopped attending class or is not turning in assignments by the published deadline, contact AccessAbility Services at 7-8946. Within a reasonable amount of time, follow-up would be provided by the Director of AccessAbility Services, consistent with laws/regulations of confidentiality.
While the matter may be resolved directly by the office or individual that you contact, it may be referred to the Student Care Team for further discussion.
For Staff: If the matter needs an immediate response, dial 911, and the WCSU Police will respond.
If the matter involves behavior in your office that cannot be redirected despite several attempts, then contact your supervisor. If this action does not produce a satisfactory resolution, then dial 911 and the WCSU Police will respond. Depending on the seriousness of the act, the student could be arrested, referred to Judicial Affairs or both.
If an arrest or a report to Judicial Affairs were made, the director of the office who reported the problem would be apprised of the resolution.
While the matter may be resolved directly by the office or individual that you contact, it may be referred to the Student Care Team for further discussion.
Jay Murray Vice President Enrollment Management & Student Affairs (203) 837-8600 |
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Dr. Rée LeBlanc Gunter Director Counseling Center (203) 837-8690 |
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Charles J. Alexander Director Judicial Affairs Phone: (203) 837-8770 |
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Robert Berry Chief University Police (203) 837-9301 |
AnnMarie Puleo Director Academic Advisement (203) 837-8827 |
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Ron Mason Director Housing & Residence Life (203) 837-8531 |
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Rebecca Wade-Rancourt M.S. W., L.C.S.W. Assistant Professor Social Work 203-837-8573 |
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Elisabeth Morel Director AccessAbility Services 203-837-8225 |
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Michelle Young Director Health Services 203-837-8590 |
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Dr. Julie Perrelli Dean Student Success & Engagement (203) 837-9700 |
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Daryle Dennis Assistant Dean Enrollment Management & Student Affairs (203) 837-8549 |
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* If you would like a couple of us to come to your department/staff meeting, please reach out to one of our members and we will be glad to assist.