Faculty & Staff Remote Teaching/Working – IT Guide
Need assistance with obtaining internet and hardware (laptop, tablet, etc) at home? The Emergency Broadband Benefit for Families program might be able to help.
Disclaimer for logging into any physical university computer from home (this does not include remote connections):
IMPORTANT: Your University issued laptop/desktop will retain the same login password UNTIL it is re-connected to our campus network, independent of the password used to access other WCSU online services.
Please see below for a partial list of the officially supported technology available to you at our University for which our IT&I staff can assist. If you choose to use technology that CSCU / WCSU is not licensed to use, you will be using it at your own discretion and IT&I staff will most likely be unable to help / provide support. If you are unsure if technology you’re interested in using is officially supported, please create a request via our Service Desk or email them at RequestIT@wcsu.edu.