The Office
Housing & Residence Life
is currently located in the Midtown Student Center, suite 222.
Contact Us
Tel. 203.837.8531
Fax. 203.837.8529
Email: Housing@wcsu.educreate new email
Hours of Operation – Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Residence Hall Directors:
Centennial Hall | Ireland Gilmore | (203) 837-8850 | gilmorei@wcsu.educreate new email |
Fairfield Hall | Peter Bigica | (203) 837-8537 | bigicap@wcsu.educreate new email |
Grasso Hall | Maranda Cox | (203) 837-8548 | coxm@wcsu.educreate new email |
Litchfield Hall | Chris Henson | (203) 837-9060 | hensonc@wcsu.educreate new email |
Newbury Hall | Madelynn Olownia | (203) 837-8534 | olowniam@wcsu.educreate new email |
Pinney Hall | Closed for 2024- 2025 |
Our Mission
Our residence halls are a crossroads, where we promote academic excellence, build communities, and support student development.
We accomplish this through our CULTURE philosophy, which allows us to Create Undergraduate Learning Through Unique Residential Experiences.
Some of the means we use to achieve this are: