Frequently Asked Questions
First Year & Transfer
Opening |
Friday, August 23, 2024 | 9:00 am | Dining Services will open at 12 pm for Lunch (meal plan begins) |
Returning Students
Opening |
Sunday, August 25, 2024 | 10:00 am | Classes for all students begin Tuesday, August 27th. |
Thanksgiving Break
Closing |
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 | 6:00 pm | The residence halls close for Thanksgiving break at 6:00 pm. for students who have not registered to stay for the break. Dining services will close at 4 pm.
Students who wish to stay for break may do so at no cost, but must pre-register with HRL. There is no food service on campus during the Thanksgiving Break. |
Thanksgiving Break
Opening |
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | 1:00 pm | Residence halls open at 1 pm.
Dining Services open at 1 pm for brunch. |
End of Semester
Closing |
Friday, December 13, 2024 | 6:00 pm | Residence halls close for the semester at 6 pm. Students must leave for the semester within 24 hours of their final exam, or by Friday at 6 pm, whichever is first.
Lunch on Friday is the final meal of the semester. Dining Services will close at 2 pm. |
Semester Break/ Intersession | Saturday, December 14, 2024 –
Monday, January 21, 2025 |
Intersession Housing (2 Buildings will be in use — to be determined). Intersession housing is available at an additional cost for those residents who wish to remain on campus during the break. Limited food service may be available on both campuses during the break. No resident meal plans will be accepted. Flex only plans will be accepted, along with cash, credit/debit cards, and ConnectCash. |
Spring Semester
Opening |
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 10:00 am | Dining services will open at 12 pm for Lunch.
Classes for all students begin Wednesday, January 22, 2025. |
Spring Break
Closing |
Friday, March 14, 2025 | 6:00 pm | The residence halls close for spring break at 6:00 pm for students who have not registered to stay for the break. Lunch will be the last meal served, and dining services will close at 2 pm.
Students who wish to stay for break may do so at no cost, but must pre-register with HRL. Limited food service may be available on both campuses during Spring break. No meal plans will be accepted. Flex plans only, along with cash, credit/debit cards, or Connect Cash. |
Spring Break
Opening |
Sunday, March 23, 2025 | 1:00 pm | The residence halls reopen for students who did not stay on campus for break.
Dining services open at 4 pm for dinner. |
End of Year
Closing |
Friday, May 16, 2025 | 6:00 pm | All residence halls close at 6 pm. Graduates may apply to stay through graduation at no additional cost.
Lunch is the last meal served, and dining services will close at 2 pm. Graduation Ceremony: TBD |
Memorial Day – Monday, May 27, 2024; University Closed
Juneteenth – Wednesday, June 19, 2024; University Closed
Labor Day – Monday, September 2, 2024: University Closed
Columbus Day – Monday, October 14, 2024: Classes in Session, University Open
Veteran’s Day – Monday, November 11, 2024: Classes in Session, University Open
Thanksgiving Holiday – Wednesday, November 27 – Sunday, December 1, 2024: University Closed
Christmas (celebrated) – Wednesday, December 25, 2024: University Closed
New Year’s (celebrated) – Wednesday, January 1, 2025: University Closed
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Monday, January 20, 2025: University Closed
President’s Day Weekend – Friday, February 14 – Monday, February 17, 2025: University Closed
Spring Break – Saturday, March 15, 2024 – Sunday, March 23, 2025: Classes NOT in session, University Open
Day of Reflection Recess – Friday, April 18 – Sunday, April 20, 2025: University Closed
I am new to WCSU, and would like information about Housing
If you have been admitted to the university as a full-time, matriculated student, you are eligible for housing. If you are a current WCSU student, you need to maintain a 2.0 GPA and achieve 24 credit hours per year to remain eligible for housing.
The Housing & Residence Life department does not provide information on off-campus housing. Those who wish to look for this kind of housing opportunity should look to local advertising for available off-campus rentals.
As soon as you have been admitted to the University, you may apply for housing. Generally, we have a May 1 cut-off for guaranteed housing for the following Fall semester. This means those people who have been admitted, paid their housing and admissions deposits, and who have provided proof of meningitis vaccine by May 1 will be guaranteed on-campus housing at WCSU.
A non-refundable deposit which secures your space in housing each year. The deposit is applied toward the cost of your room. This deposit is NOT payable through your financial aid packages nor via the payment plans in which the University participates.
- How often do I pay this?
The $250, non-refundable deposit is required once for the year that you intend to live on campus. If you are looking to move to campus for the first time in the Spring semester, a deposit is due at that time, and then would be due again in March if you intend to continue to live on campus in the fall and wish to participate in room selection. - Is it refundable?
This is a non-refundable deposit. - When is it due?
The Housing Deposit is due in March (a specific date is determined each year) for students already living on campus who wish to return in the fall. Students who will be new to campus (new students, transfer students) should pay a deposit by May 1st to guarantee a space for campus for the fall. - How do I pay my Housing Deposit?
Housing Deposits may be paid using the following site: **Please keep in mind that after paying your housing deposit, you must wait at least 6 hours for it to process into the Housing Portal system before you can complete a housing application. **
WCSU offers all students the option of selecting gender neutral housing. Gender neutral housing refers to a housing option in which two or more students mutually agree to share a multiple-occupancy bedroom, suite, or apartment without regard to the gender of the occupants.
Gender-neutral housing is an option for any continuing student wishing to choose their roommate(s) regardless of gender, and live in rooms, suites and apartments without a gender designation. Only students who choose to live in gender-neutral assignments will be assigned to these spaces. Gender Neutral Housing is not exclusive to LGBTQ+ students. Housing & Residence Life will, however, work with transgender and non-binary students, including freshmen, on an individual basis to find suitable accommodations.
Students may select gender-neutral rooms, suites, and apartments if they have selected to participate in Gender-Neutral Housing when asked in their Student Housing Application. We encourage roommates to communicate with each other about their plans to avoid any confusion.
Until mid-August, all students are able to select their own rooms. Here is a brief overview of what happens. in the order it must be completed.
- Student pays a Housing Deposit ($250, non–refundable) via Following the deposit, there is a wait of 6 – 12 hours for the deposit information to transfer from the University Cashiers’ system to the Housing Portal.
- After the 6 – 12 hour wait, students may navigate to the Housing Portal, where they select the Housing Application that appears in the Applications and Forms section (left menu). Complete and submit the application, making sure to fill in all questions marked with (*).
- Submit meningitis vaccine documentation (which was received within the preceding 5 years) to Health Services via their Health Portal. Generally, this takes a day to migrate from the Health Portal to the Housing Portal.
- Roommate Requests: if there is someone students wish to live with, they may request them as a roommate IF both/all students have completed files (deposits, applications, meningitis vaccine information). Roommate requests must be made and accepted before any person in the group selects a room. The room selection system is designed to look for open rooms that will house both/all of the requested students when the first person in the group looks for a room, and will assign both/all of them who have requested each other if open space is available.
- If students have already selected a room and then request a roommate, the system is not designed to look to see if their room has an open space still available, and will not identify or hold the space for their requested roommate. That space is available to any student looking for a room.
- Room Selection occurs at various times between April and August, and generally activates on the Housing Portal for the first time in late May for new students. Students with a completed file will receive an email notice to their WCSU email that room selection is available a day or two before the selection process is activated. The email will contain a date and time that the process opens, and a date and time when the process closes again. If students miss an active period, they’ll have other opportunities to make a room selection over the course of the summer, but please bear in mind that the longer they wait, the fewer their options are for a room in a location they desire.
- Dining (meal plan) selections can be made once the room selection is completed. Students navigate on the Housing Portal back to the main page, and select the Dining Plans option. They will be shown only the meal plans available for the buildings they’ve selected, and should choose the one that represents their preferred option. (Not all meal plans are available in all buildings).
If it’s past the first week of August when a student’s file is complete, but they haven’t yet completed a room selection, Housing & Residence Life will most likely make an assignment for the student from the remaining available spaces.
It’s a little complicated, but usually, you choose your roommate.
If You Are Requesting A Roommate:
Before you can request your roommate, both you and your requested roommate must have complete housing files, meaning you have paid a deposit, you completed and submitted your housing application, and you submitted your meningitis vaccine information (received within the last 5 years) to Health Services. If you are trying to request a roommate and do not see them listed when you type in their name in the roommate request area, it almost always means their housing file is missing information.
In order for your roommate request to be honored, you must make – and your requested roommate must accept – a roommate request in the Housing Portal before any of you select a room. This is because the system for roommate requests is designed to look for spaces together when you do your room selection. It cannot look for spaces together if one of you selected a space before the other person was requested.
If you weren’t able to request your roommate and you selected your room with an open bed, there is still an opportunity to live with the person you want to live with but it’s significantly more difficult and gets more difficult as the summer goes on.
If you find yourself here, the best option is to let your requested roommate know what room you’ve selected as soon as you can after choosing it and have them look for that room in the list of available rooms when they go to make their selection. If the other space in your room shows on their list, it means that it is available for them to select. If it doesn’t show up, someone else has already selected the room.
It’s important to know that any space that’s open in your room when you choose it is open to ANY student who’s able to select rooms in that building.
Once you’ve selected a room, you’re assigned and will not be able to go back in to choose a different space.
If You Are Not Requesting a Roommate
You must have a completed housing file, meaning you have paid a deposit, completed and submitted your housing application, and submitted your meningitis vaccine information (received within the last 5 years) to Health Services.
When you select a room in the Housing Portal, you’ll be shown a list of available rooms that have open spaces in all the buildings you qualify to live in. If the room you’re selecting has a roommate already assigned, once you’ve selected a room, you’ll be able to email your roommate to introduce yourself and start to get to know each other.
If your selected room has another open space, that space is open to ANY student who’s able to select rooms in that building.
Once you’ve selected a room, you’re assigned and will not be able to go back in to choose a different space.
All students living in on-campus housing are required to have a meal plan.
The Ultimate Dining plan is the required default meal plan for all students living on Midtown, but these students may opt to select the Platinum plan, which offers a different number of meals and FlexPoints.
Centennial residents are assigned to the Platinum plan, but may opt to select the Ultimate Dining plan, which offers a different number of meals and FlexPoints.
Pinney Hall and Grasso Hall are required to purchase the Blue meal plan, or may opt (for higher costs) to purchase the Platinum or Ultimate Dining plans.
Yes and no!
If you live in Grasso or Pinney, your kitchens come furnished with microwaves and refrigerators (as part of the full kitchen).
Centennial students are provided with a microwave in the kitchenette area, but no refrigerator. Students may have refrigerators no larger than 3.6 cu. feet. (This may also include rental Microfridge units. See information below.)
Students on midtown have microwaves available in floor lounges, but may not have them in their rooms UNLESS they are renting Microfridge units. These are Microwave/ Refrigerator/ Freezer units that have special power configurations that allow for the safe use of these appliances without interfering with power consumption. Please see more about these units here. Students may have refrigerators no larger than 3.6 cu. feet.
I’ll be moving in soon and want to know how to prepare.
Roommate information is no longer sent to you. You have access through the Housing Portal to see your room assignment and roommate(s) information at any time after you have selected a room.
To see your information, log into the Housing Portal, and look for the section in your self-service area called: ASSIGNMENTS. There, you’ll find your building and room assignment, and there will be the name(s) and bedroom assignments of your roommate(s). Clicking on their highlighted name will allow you to email them.
No. WCSU residence halls have been smoke-free since 2001, and State law now requires that all colleges and universities have smoke-free residence halls.
Beginning in July 2023, the entire WCSU campus is smoke- and vape-free.
Occasionally, new assignments may be made after you’ve already received your assignment information. Whenever a change is made, the department will notify you of the change. These notices generally go out within a week of the change.
Other than these rare occasions, which are solely to meet the needs of the university and/or department, we will not make changes to assignments once they’ve been made. Students who wish to change rooms or roommates may do so after the first two weeks of class, if space is available for the change to be made. See your RD if you have questions when you get to campus.
If you’re not 21, you may not consume alcohol or be in a room in which it is present or being consumed. For a full explanation of the policy, please read the WCSU University Wide Alcohol Policyopens PDF file . Underage students in the presence of alcohol, or those who provide alcohol to underage students, may be issued a citation by the WCSU Police under the auspices of State of Connecticut Public Act 06-112. This citation carries a fine and the possible loss of driver’s license for the student(s) charged.
The vast majority of students here are assigned to standard double rooms. We do, however, have a handful of rooms that are over-sized and designed to accommodate three students. The fee for these rooms is slightly less. These rooms are not double rooms that have been converted to triples to accommodate overcrowded conditions.
Single rooms are scarce in most of our buildings. Singles other than those in the Pinney 5-bed apartments) will be assigned for need as determined by the Department of Housing & Residence Life, in consultation with Health Services, the Counseling Center, AccessAbilities Services and/or your private physicians. If you believe you require such accommodations, please make touch with the appropriate office, and complete the Special Housing Accommodations form, located in the FORMS section of this website. General learning disabilities such as ADHD/ADD or issues like asthma are not generally considered as sufficient evidence of the need for a single room assignment.
Here is the proper addressing for mail and Amazon packages. It is important to make sure Western Connecticut State University is in the address.
Student Mail and Packages:
Mail Services is located in the basement of the Midtown Student Center. It functions as a student post office for the receipt of letters and packages.
Mail is delivered directly to the residence halls, and then disbursed to student mailboxes by residence hall personnel.
All UPS, RPS, and FEDEX deliveries for students are delivered to Mail Services and held for student pickup. Students will receive email notification when a package is being held for them at Mail Services.
Please have your WestConnect ID card available when picking up a package. No packages will be released without the proper identification.
Only for Amazon orders:
Western Connecticut State University
Your First and Last Name – Residence Hall & Room Number
190 White Street
Danbury, CT 06810
For all other mail and packages:
Western Connecticut State University
Your First and Last Name – Residence Hall & Room Number
181 White Street
Danbury, CT 0810
Mattresses are regular twin sized mattresses.
What about a waterbed?
Waterbeds are not permitted.
Can I bring my own bed and/or mattress?
Fire code laws do not allow for students to supply their own mattresses or beds.
Each room on campus comes with a bed, desk, desk chair, dresser, and wardrobe or closet. Rooms all have overhead lights. Basic cable TV service (no special channels) is provided in each room. Internet can also be accessed through each room on campus, through wired or wireless access. All buildings have a wireless printer available to students as well.
Phone service is no longer provided in residence hall rooms at WCSU. House phones and emergency phones are located throughout the building and campus. Students are strongly encouraged to have a personal cell phone.
Once rooms have been selected, room changes will generally not be made (other than for departmental needs) until after the second week of classes. If you believe you have a problem, do not wait to deal with it, but speak to your Resident Assistant or Resident Director immediately.
Early move-in is sometimes possible for students who: are athletes on a recognized sports team, have an academic-based internship or class, live more than 5 hours from campus, are employed by a campus office, are an international student, or have a special AccessAbility request. Forms are generally available in the Housing Portal about 1 month before move-in, and must be approved by the HRL office before you may plan to move in.
There is a $45/night charge for early arrival, and the deadline for application for Fall 24 is August 16th.
We fortunately have very good fire suppression and alarm systems throughout our campus. Each building is fully sprinkled, and has state of the art fire annunciation equipment. The Danbury Fire Department is contacted immediately when an alarm is sounded, regardless of reason.
Our apartment-style halls are designed to offer nearly independent living. Therefore, students living in these buildings are required to care for (clean) their own apartments (including the bathrooms) following move-in. Students should provide cleaning tools and supplies for their own apartments, such as vacuums, brooms, spray cleaners, etc. in order to keep them clean.
I’ll be moving in soon and want to know how to prepare.
Liability and Personal Property Insurance
The university shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for loss and/or damage to personal property by fire, theft, water damage due to any source of water contamination, or any other cause. Every resident is encouraged to hold private property insurance coverage since the University Insurance Program is limited to coverage of only university-owned property. Please check your parents’ homeowners’ policy, as it may cover you while at college, or check into insurance coverage immediately.
If you desire, you do have an opportunity to purchase insurance when you apply for housing through Grad Guard Insurance (not affiliated with WCSU).
Rooms are painted by our facilities personnel. If you believe your room needs to be painted, please make a request through your building’s resident director to accomplish this. Maintenance will make a determination if the room is in need, and will schedule according to their work priorities.
Furniture that is provided in your room must stay in your room. The University does not have adequate storage to accommodate furniture removed from student rooms.
University staff will not debunk or bunk beds in student rooms. (* If medical need requires a change, the staff will attempt to make necessary changes as time permits).
For a complete guide to parking on campus, please see the Parking web page which details parking rules, regulations, maps and permits. Shuttle service provides transportation between the campuses because parking is limited on each campus.
Maintenance Request Forms are online and available here.
When completing your form, please make sure to put a complete description of the issue and location (e.g., the overhead light in the left (A) bedroom needs replaced). You’ll also be asked for 3 possible times for the maintenance staff to schedule to come to your room to evaluate and correct the problem.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll submit the form, and it will be sent to your RD, who will inform maintenance. If your issue is an emergency (like an overflowing toilet or non-working lock), please find the RA on duty or let the Info Desk staff know so that it may be resolved more quickly, as the RDs will not be reviewing these emails after their office hours.
Guest policies are explained in the Policies section of this website. Generally, you may have visitors over the age of 18 while the Information Desk is in operation. Guests are required to provide valid identification – Driver’s license, State-issued ID card, Military ID, or a Passport.
Friends or family between 14 and 18 years of age must provide parental consent be allowed to visit in the halls. Permission forms are available by clicking above, or in the FORMS section of this website, and must be submitted 24 hours in advance of the visit, or if a Saturday or Sunday visit, no later than noon on Friday.
Please check with the Resident Assistants or Resident Director of your respective building for more detailed information on obtaining parental consent for guests who are minors.
- Thanksgiving (Wednesday through Sunday). Students who wish to may stay for no additional charge. However, any student wishing to stay must pre-register using a form provided in the Applications and Forms section of the Housing Portal. There is no meal plan coverage during the break. Food service may have limited cash operations at its facilities.
- Following finals in December through the opening of the semester — the Intersession. There is an additional charge to stay on campus during this period, and not all buildings will be open. Additionally, meal plans are not functional and meals are not provided during the Intersession. Food service may have limited cash operations at some of its facilities. Applications will be made available in the Applications and Forms section of the Housing Portal in late November.
(Not all buildings remain open for the Dec./Jan. Intersession Break. However, if you do not live in a building which remains open, there may be unassigned spaces available . These spaces would be available to students who can not find anywhere else to live, but there is no guarantee that space will be available. Generally, students are required to look for rooms in the buildings remaining open, and receive written permission from other students living there. )
- The week of Spring Break. Students who wish to may stay for no additional charge. However, any student wishing to stay must pre-register using a form provided in the Applications and Forms section of the Housing Portal. There is no meal plan coverage during the break. Food service may have limited cash operations at its facilities.
Shuttles generally run every 15 minutes between the Midtown and Westside campuses during the week, from 7 am – 12:30 am, and on a more limited basis on the weekends. A full schedule is available from the Shuttle Bus website.
Show up and show interest! As a resident student, you are a member – you just need to get involved. And remember, your participation and leadership in these organizations will reward you with priority points in the CULTURE™ program.
Check out the WCSU Clubs website and The Student Life/Student Activities office for more information about student clubs and organizations.
Take a walk to the Financial Aid & Student Employment office (first floor in Old Main). Even if you don’t get work study, the office has a list of departments and offices that need student workers. If you’re interested in working at your Information Desk in your hall, please see your RD or the Student Administrative Assistant.
If you are a sophomore with a 2.5 GPA and you want to have a very rewarding experience, consider applying to become a part of this great team of student leaders. More information regarding application availability and selection will be available periodically on this website on the Housing homepage, and on its EMPLOYMENT and ANNOUNCEMENTS pages.
You must have a 3.2 GPA, Junior status, and a real desire to work with students. ARMs get a room, paycheck, and a lot of fun helping students focus on their academic success. Visit this website often for information about applications and the selection process.
If you have a 3.0 GPA , a desire to help your fellow students, and have a subject or two that you feel comfortable tutoring someone in, you can be a PASS member. Simply see your building’s ARM to sign up!
On a small campus such as ours, there are times when the Health Services Office is not staffed – primarily nights and weekends. During these times when Health Services is closed, students are encouraged to go to Danbury Hospital Emergency Room for treatment. There is also a list of urgent care facilities located on the Health Services web page.
Student Restaurant [Berkshire Hall Dining (1st Floor)] Hours subject to change.
Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 8 pm
Friday 7:30 am – 7 pm
Saturday – Sunday 10 am – 7 pm
The Fireside Lobby [Berkshire Hall 1st floor]
Monday – Thursday 8 am – 7 pm
Friday 8 am – 2 pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed
Westside Market Place Hours subject to change.
Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 8:30 pm
Friday 7:30 am – 7 pm
Saturday & Sunday 11 am – 7 pm
The Daily Grind [Westside Campus Center (Ground Floor)]. Hours subject to change.
Monday – Thursday 11 am – 11 pm
Friday 3 pm – 10 pm
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 7 pm – 10 pm