The majority of coursework in undergraduate and graduate psychology programs is centered on individual modes of treatment and problem etiology. Only 12% of private practice clinicians in the U.S. are marriage and family therapists, and this is the only field that requires any course work or clinical experience with families or couples. As no one human is an isolate (each has a web of relationships that influence the life experience), understanding the psychological impact of human relationships and systems theory is imperative to the health of any person in relationship with others . Additionally, understanding the power and complexity of human interactions, and having tools to impact these courses, is beneficial to everyone in both their personal and professional relationships. The goals of this class are to, 1. Be knowledgeable about the history of, and trends in traditional and modern couples and families, 2. Understand a sampling of issues (e.g., infidelity, divorce, religious beliefs) that impact couples and families , 3. Create a personal genogram of one’s family of origin, and identify problematic patterns, 4. Be familiar with tools and techniques to use in relationships with others that can increase the health of them.