Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Alpha Theta is the national Honors Society for university History Students. Each year, Phi Alpha Theta inducts over 8500 students in celebration of the achievements and academic abilities of History students all across the country. WCSU established its own chapter Sigma Eta in 1971. Both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply. The application deadline is Thursday, March 21, 2024.
Completion of at least 12 hours in History courses (4 courses)
3.1 or higher GPA in those History courses
3.0 or higher overall GPA in your university courses.
Cost: $50
An honor code to wear at graduation
A one-year subscription to The Historian journal
The publication of your name in The Historian as a new inductee
Access to scholarships, conferences and journals- PAT awards 25 scholarships annually
Deadline: Thursday, March 21
You can find the application form in the History Department office, on the History Department bulletin board, and on the History Department website. You can also ask any of the History faculty for a copy of the form.
Please return the form to Katherine Allocco either in my mailbox in the History office or to my office: Warner 215 by Thursday, March 21, 2024. You may make your payment of $50 by cash, check or PayPal.
The History Department will host an induction ceremony this Spring
For more information, please visit
Questions? Please contact Dr Allocco: