History 100 Resources
Introduction to History, or HIS 100, will serve as a basic introduction to reading, writing, and thinking as an historian. The following provides links that students in HIS 100 may use.
This guide is a list of terms compiled by WCSU’s history department that we believe you should be familiar with by the end of your history career, with quick definitions.
Citation and Bibliography guides
The history department expects that students completing research papers provide footnote citations consistent with the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style, which is the style consistently preferred in history journals. An abbreviated version of the Chicago Manual of Style can be found in Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007). The department recommends that history majors purchase a copy of this work. The following are online guides to Chicago/Turabian citation style and are acceptable for use when preparing papers for the department:
Chicago Manual of Style Quick Citation Guide
Guides to writing history
Patrick Rael’s Guide to Researching and Writing in the History Major
Rael, Associate Professor of African-American History and Chair of the History Department at Bowdoin College, gives an exhaustive guide to the writing process from how to formulate questions to the nuts and bolts of doing research.