Finance & Administration : Services


Annually, budgets are developed for each area within the University.  The Financial Planning and Budgets staff is responsible for budget development, execution, administration, and monitoring of operating and capital budgets.  This includes short- and long-term planning and modeling, spending plan coordination, financial support for pricing strategies, cost/volume/profit analysis and new program proposals.


Orlando Edwards

Director of Financial Planning and Budgets
Location:         University Hall – 2nd floor (UH-205)
Phone:             203.837.8248

FY25 Finance & Administration Processes Training (PDF)

WebFocus Cloud Environment:


    1. Connects to Banner Production – Shows real-time data.
    2. You will need to be on the WCSU network to access this portal.
    3. The User name is wcsu\ , then the username to get into windows.  For example user name would be wcsu\mazzam.  The password is your windows password.


When logging in you will be presented with the following screen:


The WebFOCUS Training Manual can be accessed at the link below:

Training Manual for WebFOCUS – updated 4-24-2023


WebFOCUS – Financial Manager’s Portal FAQ’s

How do I gain access?

The first step is to gain access to Banner9 by submitting a ticket to ITI. Paperwork will need to be signed by your supervisor. (For ITI ticket submission, go to ITI Service Desk Portal, select Common Request and Banner Access Request).

Once access has been obtained to Banner9, contact Mary Mazza or Inita Mix to obtain access to WebFOCUS.

Where can I find the link?

Go to the WCSU Finance and Administration page under “Budgets”,

How do I sign in?

Username is wcsu\Windows ID and use your Windows password. (username example, wcsu\mazzam)

Do the reports show real-time data from Banner9?


Is training available?

Yes, in person or virtual via TEAMS (contact Mary Mazza or Inita Mix).

Training manual is available at WCSU Finance and Administration page under “Budgets”.

What are the 3 most helpful reports to use and why?

Transaction Detail – shows all transaction details for the budget, expenses, commitments and available balance for all the Orgs that you have access to, but you run it for one Org at the time.

OE and PT Salary Budget by Org – shows budget, expenses, commitments, available balance, variance percentage and variance amount bundled by expense categories for all the operating Orgs that you have access to.

OE and PT Salary Budget vs Actuals by Account Details – shows budget, expenses, commitments, available balance and variance percentage for all the individual expense accounts used for all the operating Orgs that you have access to.

Who do I contact when I need to move either budget or actual expense/s?

Email to and cc’ Inita Mix for operating Org budget reallocation/s. • Contact Mary Mazza for current fiscal year expense correction needs for any operating or self-supporting Org/s.