WCSU Faculty Handbook : University Governance (Committee Bylaws)

University Planning and Budgeting Committee Bylaws

  1. Objectives, Responsibilities and Powers

    1. To evaluate, monitor, and update the planning assumptions as well as the Institutional Strategic Plan, in accordance with the institutional planning model as accepted by the University Senate.
    2. To review and recommend the planning, preparation, and allocation of all Western Connecticut State University operating budgets and other public monies. The Committee’s recommendations shall be consistent with the Institutional Strategic Plan.
    3. To receive and review program proposals; to analyze proposals with respect to the strategic plan, resources, and schedule of implementation.
    4. To review program proposals requiring external review, e.g., licensure and accreditation (state, regional, national), and to make recommendations regarding their disposition.
    5. To prepare responses on program discontinuance for appropriate committees.
    6. To monitor, revise, and update the activities outlined in the Institutional Strategic and Budget Plans.
    7. To obtain the results of any formal assessment study, program review, and accreditation status on an annual basis.
    8. To establish ad hoc or standing subcommittees as needed.
  2. Membership

    1 Provost/VP for Academic Affairs Ex-Officio
    1 VP Finance & Administration Ex-Officio
    1 Academic Dean Ex-Officio/Appointed by VPAA Annually
    1 VP for Student Affairs Ex-Officio
    1 Director of Library Services Ex-Officio
    1 Senate President or designee Ex-Officio
    1 SGA President or designee Ex-Officio
    8 Teaching Faculty:
    3 at large;
    2 MSAS, 1 ASB, 1 SPS, 1 VPA;
    1 librarian/counselor/coach
    All elected (for overlapping 3 year terms), three instructional faculty elected at large; two elected by and from MSAS; one each elected by and from each of the remaining three schools, one elected by and from the librarian /counselor/coaches group.
    1 Administrative Faculty (SUOAF) Elected by Administrative Faculty (for 3-year term)
     Total 16 – all members are voting members except the chairperson who votes only in the case of a tie.
  3. Conduct of Business

    1. Officers: There shall be a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson for the committee, both of whom are elected by members of the committee.
      1. Chairperson
        1. The Chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote at the May meeting of each year following the election of new members.
        2. The Chairperson will prepare the agenda, convene and preside at meetings, and communicate decisions to the Senate.
        3. The Chairperson position carries three (3) credits of reassigned time.
        4. It is suggested that the current vice chair become the chairperson for the following year.
      2. Vice Chairperson
        1. The Vice Chairperson will be elected by a majority vote of members present at the May meeting of each year after the election of new members.
        2. The Vice Chairperson will function as secretary and archivist and will support the chair in convening and presiding at meetings.
      3.  Recommended succession of officers: Given the potential impact of decisions of the UPBC on all aspects of the university, passing on good practices and contextualizing information is essential. To support routine knowledge transfer, we recommend that, whenever practicable, the Vice Chair cycle into the Chairperson role.
    2. Meetings
      1. In the absence of the chair, the President of the University Senate will designate a committee member to convene the committee.
      2. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson will preside. In the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the Senate President shall designate a successor for the purposes of presiding over an election of new officers as soon as practicable.
      3. A quorum shall consist of eight (8) members, at least five (5) of whom are elected.
      4. Decisions of the committee will be made by majority vote of those members present. It is the expectation that members will attend meetings in person and votes will be taken by voice. In the event that members cannot be physically present, participation by electronic conferencing is acceptable and votes will be taken by roll call. In rare instances, when a proposal is time sensitive, votes may be taken asynchronously through email at the discretion of the chair and members present.
      5. A call to meeting accompanied by an agenda shall be presented to each member at least one week before each meeting.
      6. Concerned parties may come, or be invited, to discuss particular items.
      7. Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
      8. Meetings shall be held at least monthly during the entire year, as called by the chairperson, or in the absence of the chairperson, by a quorum of the committee.
    3. Reports and Recommendations
      1. The committee, through its chair, shall report all policy recommendations to the University Senate.
      2. The committee shall submit an annual report to the University Senate.
      3. The committee shall refer to other University-wide standing committees matters appropriate to their function.
      4. The committee shall refer to appropriate School committees any recommendations initiated in the University Planning and Budgeting Committee concerning that School’s program.
      5. The committee shall refer for action to the University Senate recommendations for University policy change which is outside the responsibility of any standing committee.
      6. The committee will annually assess the Strategic Plan and report to the Vice Presidents and to the University Senate.
      7. Minutes shall be posted publicly as determined by the University Senate.
  4. Amendments

    These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any regularly scheduled meeting at which there is a quorum and by the approval of the University Senate and the President of the University.

UPBC Involvement with Campus Facilities Planning1

Master Planning

When the University develops its master plan, the University Planning and Budgeting Committee will be involved as follows:

      1. Master planning consultants shall meet with appropriate personnel in each university department2 to determine department needs. The Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee, shall insure adequate representation of student non-classroom needs.
      2. After the draft report is submitted, departments shall have the opportunity to review the report and recommend modifications to the report including department location, design of offices, seminar rooms, laboratory space, mini-library space and the timeline for implementation.
      3. The full report shall be forwarded to the UPBC for comment and recommendations.

Allocation and Re-Allocation of Existing Space

      1. As space becomes available, the Master Plan shall be reviewed to see what department needs have not been met.
      2. While the Master Plan is a ten-year document, departments are encouraged to review the plan every three years. This review should take into consideration the University Strategic Plan, which includes the Academic, Student Affairs, Library, Technology, Institutional Advancement, and Administrative Services plans. Suggestions shall be submitted to the appropriate Dean or Vice-President.
      3. Deans and Vice-Presidents shall forward department suggestions to the UPBC for review and recommendations.

Timetable for Preparing the Annual Spending Plan

      1. February: V.P. for Finance and Administration meets with the President and the Vice Presidents to discuss spending requests.
      2. Not later than the last Wednesday of February: V.P. for Finance and Administration sends spending requests to all UPBC members.
      3. First meeting of the UPBC in March: the Committee reviews requests and makes recommendations.
      4. March: V.P. for Finance and Administration reviews requests and the Committee’s recommendations with the President.
      5. Not later than the last Wednesday of March: V.P. for Finance and Administration sends proposed spending plan to all UPBC members.
      6. First meeting of the UPBC in April: the Committee reviews proposed spending plan and makes recommendations.
      7. End of April: University submits spending plan to the Board of Trustees for approval.
      8. Following Board approval, V.P. for Finance and Administration sends the spending plan to all UPBC members.
  • (1) Pursuant to Senate Resolution R-00-10-04: The UPBC should be involved in the planning for the use of vacant space on campus.
  • (2) University Department means academic departments, administrative units (departments, dean’s offices, etc.)





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