WCSU Faculty Handbook : Health, Safety, and Security

Policy Concerning Emergencies Requiring Evacuation of Buildings


This is a policy/procedure statement regarding the reporting of alarms and evacuation of University buildings during fire and/or other emergencies. This statement is being issued to ensure the life and safety of faculty, staff, students and visitors.


An emergency exists whenever:

  • A building fire alarm is sounding;
  • An uncontrolled fire or imminent fire hazard occurs in any building or area of the campus; There is the presence of smoke;
  • There is a spontaneous or abnormal heating of any material or an uncontrolled release of a combustible or hazardous


Campus buildings shall be immediately and totally evacuated whenever a building evacuation alarm is sounding.

  1. Upon discovery that an emergency exists, individuals shall:
    1. Sound an Activate the building fire alarm in buildings equipped with manual pull stations.
    2. Shut off all machinery or
    3. Contain all hazardous materials (laboratories)
    4. Leave the building immediately, closing all windows and doors behind
    5. Meet the University Police Department and direct them to the
    6. All fires, even if extinguished or found extinguished, must be
  2. Evacuation procedures shall be as follows:
    1. It shall be the responsibility of every person to immediately leave a University building whenever a fire alarm is activated or an emergency
    2. All students, faculty, and staff are required to leave the building, assemble a safe distance from the building, and remain outside until the emergency is No one shall restrict or impede the evacuation. Mobility impaired individuals should refer to specific procedures found in the WCSU Evacuation Procedure S-115.
  3. Information release to media and the public:
    1. All information regarding fires or emergencies at the University shall be released through University Relations in cooperation with Facilities and Operations. No other University department or employee may release official statements regarding the cause, origin, or nature of University fire or emergency situations.

Assistance will be provided by the Facilities and Operations Services to anyone or any department requiring help and advice on its implementation.

Approved by President James R. Roach


Rev. 07/08

Fire and Life Safety

All members of the Western Connecticut State University community have a shared responsibility for fire and life safety. As part of that responsibility, individuals are encouraged to report unsafe conditions immediately to the Director of Environmental & Facilities Services at 837-9314.

The Health and Public Safety Team takes pride in the University’s accomplishments to date. The University has made a commitment to the best possible life safety infrastructure available.

State of the art fire and smoke detection, automatic sprinkler systems, and portable extinguishers are the cornerstone of our system. The following is a list of directives and procedures, which have been adopted as University Policy:

Emergency Evacuation Procedureopens PDF file
Fire Safety Reporting and Response Procedureopens PDF file

Revised May 7, 2004

Weapons Policy

All members of the Western Connecticut State University community have a responsibility to use due care for their safety and to comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and university regulations. In the interest of public safety, the university prohibits employees, students, visitors, and guests (except authorized members of a duly organized law enforcement agency) from carrying a firearm or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument as defined by Connecticut General Statutes 53-206(a)* anywhere on the property owned or under the control of Western Connecticut State University. This is per Connecticut General Statute 29-28(e).

Employees or others who have a concern about personal safety are encouraged to contact the Vice President for Student Affairs, the WCSU Police Department, or the Human Resources Office.

* “Weapons means any firearm, including any BB gun, blackjack, metal or brass knuckles, or any dirk knife, or any switch knife, or any knife having an automatic spring release device by which a blade is released from the handle, having a blade of over one and one half inches in length, or stiletto, or any knife the edged portion of the blade of which is four inches or over in length, any police baton or nightstick, or any martial arts weapon or electronic defense weapon, as defined in Section 53a-3 or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument”

Revised 7/01 Revised 6/11

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