Faculty Retraining Grants
Faculty retraining grants may be used for tuition, books, travel and related expenses. Retraining must be in areas deemed useful to the University as determined by departments or administration. All grants must be approved by the University President or his designee and the CSU-AAUP. Although retraining monies cannot be used to support salaries or reassigned time, they may be used in conjunction with a sabbatical or professional leave applied for separately.
All full-time members of the faculty, as defined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the American Association of University Professors and the Connecticut State University, are eligible to apply.
Applications for grants (in the appendix: Faculty retraining grant) to be used in connection with an academic leave must be submitted to the Chair of the Academic Leave Committee by November 1st. Other applications will be processed by the committee as they are submitted. Proposals will be judged as highly recommended, recommended, or not recommended. Applicants will receive a copy of the recommendation as transmitted to the President. Following this transmittal, the faculty member should contact the Academic Vice President to negotiate the actual level of funding.
In preparing the application, the following points should be included:
- The academic or administrative area in which the retraining is expected to be used.
- The specific departmental or administrative need at Western Connecticut State University to be met by the new skills and knowledge.
- The reason the proposed activities are appropriate for meeting the needs as stated in No. 2 above.
- If possible, previous experience in the new area and/or evidence of the likelihood of success in the new field.
Academic Leave Committee: Nov. 1983 Revised: Mar. 1985