Faculty Development Funds
Under the terms of the CSU-AAUP contract, Article 9.6 and 12.10.1, a specified amount of money must be allocated annually for faculty development, “which shall be construed broadly to mean activities by and for members that enhance their ability to be productive and innovative professionals.” In view of other funding sources for research (CSU/AAUP research grants) faculty development fund applications should not directly relate to the carrying out of research, nor be for the purpose of purchasing materials. AAUP Travel Funds for faculty members are also available from the Deans of the Schools, and should be seen as a first source for conference attendance and professional presentations. Such requests will be considered for Faculty Development Funds, after Travel Funds are depleted, but will receive lower priority.
Notification of available funds shall be published by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs on the Academic Planning Calendar. Application forms are in the appendices to this handbook.
Application Funding
Application Funding is available for all members of the AAUP/CSU faculty bargaining unit as defined in the contract; this includes 10% of the funds being allocated for part- time faculty. Priority will be given to activities which support the spirit of learning and enhance teaching expertise. A maximum of $1,200 may be granted to any individual full-time faculty member and $750 to any individual part-time faculty member. The Faculty Development and Recognition Committee believes that funds should be available to many individuals, so prior use of the Fund as well as merit of activity will be considered. In cases where the dollar total for approved applications exceeds available funds in a given funding period, preference will be given to applicants who have not been awarded full funding in the previous fiscal year.” Applications for “in-house” workshops do not have a specified maximum funding level, but will be reviewed on the basis of merit and numbers of individuals across the University community who will benefit from the workshops. Proposals from AAUP members may be cosponsored with non-members. Applications will be accepted and reviewed in the following time frame:
Application Deadline Planned Activity First Friday in September October 1- Dec. 31 Third Friday in November January 1-March 31 Fourth Friday in February April 1- June 30 Third Friday in April July 1-Sept. 30 Exact dates are posted annually in the Academic Planning Calendar.
Applications submitted after these deadline dates will not be considered. Applications for funds are to be made on the prescribed form, included in the appendix to this handbook. An electronic PDF copy is to be submitted to the Faculty Development and Recognition Committee, c/o the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Committee Actions
The Faculty Development and Recognition Committee will review all proposals received and make recommendations concerning the allocation of funds to the Provost/V.P. for Academic Affairs based on consideration of the above factors, the expected benefit to the University community, and the amount of money available. The Committee will inform each applicant of the recommendation made in regard to each proposal.
The application for Faculty Development Fundsopens PDF file is in the appendices to this handbook.