Western International Center
Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be the Western Connecticut State University International Center (W.I.C.).
Article II – Purpose
- The I.C. shall seek in various ways to increase the awareness of student, faculty, staff, secondary school instructors and pupils, and the community in international affairs, international culture, and international problems.
- By international affairs is meant contemporary interests and difficulties among nations, by international culture is meant why people act and think differently from our own culture, their religious beliefs, philosophy of life, arts (e.g., music, dance, painting, sculpture, ), education, manner of conducting business, etc.; by international problems is meant global concerns not easily fitting into the previous two categories (e.g., acid rain, food distribution, desertification, energy, terrorism, etc.)
- The I.C. shall assist in making the University community more aware of opportunities afforded by grants, student and faculty international exchanges, foreign travel with and without academic credit, international education and such other opportunities which may be of benefit and aid in fostering international understanding.
- The WIC will dispense funds to appropriate persons or organizations of the University in order to achieve the purposes stated above. The recipient and amount of such disbursement shall be proposed to the Committee by the Center Coordinator, and approved in Committee session by a majority vote of those present.
- In the event that funds need to be disbursed before the regular I.C. Committee meetings, the Center Coordinator may expend up to a maximum of $200 in order to meet unexpected costs that are appropriate to achieve the purposes stated above.
Article III – Activities
- The I.C. shall be involved in the development of institutional policies concerning it.
- The I.C. shall seek out relevant information and disseminate it by appropriate means to the academic community and the general public concerning study and research abroad for students and faculty.
- The I.C. shall seek to establish linkages with groups within the University whose objectives involve the international field for the purposes of bringing them together in association with the W.I.C. The object of bringing such affiliated groups together in association with the W.I.C. shall be to improve liaison and cooperation, avoid duplication of effort, and to establish a better position for acquiring financial and other support for themselves and the W.I.C. One attending member representing each affiliated group will have voting rights on the committee.
- Groups which shall associate with the I.C. need not be base (planning) units. If not, for the purposes of University administration, they shall be considered to be part of the W.I.C. and their bylaws shall be approved by the W.I.C. membership and the administration. Since they are not base units, they are not independently eligible to receive University resources.
- Such groups (non-base units) in association with the I.C. may, if they so desire, remain autonomous, may retain their own governing boards, may carry out their own fund raising, and may expend such funds in the manner of their own choosing. Such funds shall be included in the annual report of the W.I.C. (Article V.5).
- The I.C. shall seek to establish linkages and to cooperate with other institutions of higher learning, secondary schools and private groups for the purpose of better fostering the understanding of international affairs, cultures and problems.
- The I.C. may publish from time-to-time a bulletin for distribution throughout the academic community to bring attention to matters in the international field.
- The I.C. may sponsor, organize and conduct conferences, meetings, lectures, etc., on international affairs, cultures and problems.
- The I.C. may promote international faculty and student exchange.
- The WIC may raise funds to support its own activities, and to dispense to worthy recipients as permitted by Article II, 3. Fundraising may include the solicitation of grants, donations, and endowments in accordance with University policy and procedures.
Article IV – Membership and Terms of Office
- Membership Definitions
- “Elected member”: one for each of four schools; four at-large.
- “Attending Member”: representative of an affiliated group.
- The I.C. shall be made up of the Center Coordinator, the Coordinator of International Services and the Committee of not less than one elected member from each of the four schools and four members elected at-large by all four schools, one attending member from Student Affairs appointed by the Dean of Student Affairs, and one student attending member.
- The School of Arts and Sciences, Professional Studies, Business, and Visual, Performing & Communication Arts shall each have one teaching faculty members elected by and from that School for overlapping two-year terms on the Committee.
- Four teaching faculty, elected at-large from all four schools will serve overlapping two-year terms.
- Nominations for the at-large student member for a term of one academic year will be made and voted upon by I.C. members at the first meeting of each academic year.
- The Center Coordinator shall be a faculty member appointed by the President of the University in consultation with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University for a term of two academic years.
- For purposes of liaison and cooperation, autonomous organizations of the University involved in international affairs, cultures and problems will designate one of their members to become a voting member of the W.I.C. executive committee.
- Likewise, the I.C. will designate one of its members to become a voting member on the board of that organization for purposes of liaison and cooperation.
- As appropriate, the I.C. may invite persons from outside the University to take part in its deliberations on a non-voting basis.
Article V – Conduct of Business
- Regular meetings of the executive committee will be called by the Coordinator.
- Meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts’ Rules of Order.
- Minutes of all meetings will be distributed according to University procedures, namely:
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Deans of each School
- Coordinator of International Services
- Members of the I.C.
- Senate Archivist (2 copies)
- The I.C. reports to the Deans of Arts and Sciences, Professional Studies, Ancell School of Business, and Visual, Performing & Communication Arts.
- The I.C. will make annual reports to the Senate regarding funds raised and distribution of same as well as other activities about which it would like to make the University aware.
- Amendments to these bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership of the I.C.
Admin. Approval: April 8, 1988 | Revised Senate Approval: R-10-05-01 |
Revised Senate Approval: R-03-02-03 | Admin. Approval: 3/2/12 |
Administrative Approval: 4/17/03 |