Meteorological Studies and Weather Center Bylaws
The Bylaws of the Meteorological Studies and Weather Center have been created as a result of a February 4, 1983, resolution of the Board of Trustees of Connecticut State University which approved the Weather Center at Western as falling within the purposes and objectives of the Connecticut State University Research Foundation.
Article I – Name
The name of this Center shall be the Meteorological Studies and Weather Center of Western Connecticut State University
Article II – Object or Purpose
- To promote instruction, research, invention, discovery, development and the dissemination of information in the field of meteorology and related sciences.
- To provide instruction at the undergraduate and at the graduate levels through the Physics, Astronomy and Meteorology Department.
- To provide modified or unstructured experiences in the operation of scientific weather equipment and research, including all aspects of research methodology.
- To provide instruction in the preparation, analysis, application and presentation of research results and weather forecasts.
- To furnish or transmit meteorological information to ultimate consumers, thus providing practical training and experience for involved students.
- The faculty member in charge of the Meteorological Studies and Weather Center is responsible for the training, control and learning experiences of such enrolled students.
- To develop the academic foundation for advanced study and eventual employment in a meteorological position.
- The faculty member in charge is responsible for locating and, via the Center, recommending the appointment of temporary researchers, full-time faculty (in cooperation with the appropriate academic department), visiting scholars and other persons becoming professionally associated with the Meteorological Studies and Weather Center.
- To provide public service activities which include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
- The dissemination of weather information.
- The application and development of research results for the benefit of the general public or selected segments of the Such activities and information must, however, be the outgrowth of instruction, research, or discovery, thus being incident to the academic mission of the MS&WC.
Article III – Operations
- The MS&WC may receive grants, contracts, donations and endowments from non-state It may also impose charges for services rendered to the public, such revenue to be deposited in Research Foundation accounts and the entire amount dispensed form same.
- The MS&WC will conduct its operations in a manner consistent with the highest standards of instruction and scientific As deemed appropriate, it may operate on a continuing around-the clock basis for the purpose of monitoring weather patterns, demonstrating tracking procedures, confirming analyses, transmitting and interpreting weather information, maintaining desired records and, generally, sustaining the kind of research that requires the on-going input of data spanning extended periods of time. Toward these ends the MS&WC may employ the professional technical and clerical staff necessary for accomplishing its goals.
Article IV – Administration
- The President of the University or his/her designee is responsible for the operation of the Center, its activities and regulations. The on-going operation shall be administered by a professionally qualified meteorologist. This person will be responsible to the President via the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
Article V – Evaluation and Audit
- An annual evaluation of the Center’s activities and an accounting of all funds it generates will be conducted by the President of WCSU or his/her designee in keeping with the rules of the Research Foundation. The evaluation and accounting results will be given to the Connecticut State University Research Foundation Director. The Director of the Foundation may ask the University administration for information of any nature concerning the Weather Center.
Article VI – Membership and Term of Office
- Any professional and technical person hired by the University and employed on a full-time basis and assigned to the MS&WC will be a voting member of the Center.
Article VII – Minutes and Bylaws Amendments
- Minutes of all meetings shall be distributed to the members of the Center, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Chairpersons of appropriate departments, and the Dean of the School of Arts and Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of Center members present at any regularly scheduled session and with the approval of the University Senate and the President of the University.
Admin. Approval: Feb. 25, 1986