Implementation of Grading System
The department and/or instructor is responsible for:
- Determining and explaining at the beginning of the semester the standard to be met to receive a given letter He/she is also responsible for being sure that students understand these standards and course expectations.
Reporting Grades
- Finals – All students receive grades on the official grade form provided These are completed according to the directions provided by the Registrar.
- Midterms – All first-year students and all others averaging below a C- in any course must receive midterm grades. Because of the large number of transfer students, faculty are encouraged to record midterm grades for all enrolled in their classes. Students may check their midterm grades in Banner. They should regard any grade of D+, D, D-, or F at midterm as an academic warning.
Change of Grade
- Faculty are advised to retain at least two (and preferably three or four) items of evidence (e.g., tests, term papers) of each student’s course work, in the event the student requests a change of It is also advisable to notify students in writing–and well in advance–if the grading system in any course will deviate from the general norm for grading.
- If a faculty member wishes to request a change of grade after the grade has been recorded, such request is sent to the appropriate Academic Dean with an explanation as to why a change of grade is (An official form is available from each Dean’s office for this purpose.) Incomplete grade resolutions (INC to final grade) may be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office email from a faculty member’s University issued email address.
Senate approval: Oct. 16, 1991 (R91-10-4)
Admin. Approval: Revised Feb. 20, 1992
The Dean may:
- Approve the change and forward it to the Registrar for
- Disapprove the change and return it to the concerned faculty
- Refer the request to the appropriate School’s standing committee for recommended action on the
- If the Dean disapproved, the faculty member may refer the matter to the appropriate standing
- The School Dean will establish or designate an existing committee to serve in the case of need to act on grade change Such committee will report its decision to the Dean and faulty member concerned.
- In the event the faculty member involved is unavailable (when grade change is requested and found to be proper, the appropriate Academic Dean and Department Chairperson may jointly resolve a needed change of ) Both signatures are required before the Registrar may honor the change of grade request, including a change from incomplete to a letter grade.