WCSU Faculty Handbook : Academic Policy and Procedures

Faculty and Department Responsibility for Student Advisement

    1. Definition of Academic Advising

      Academic advising is a “decision-making process during which students realize their maximum educational potential through communication and information exchanges with an advisor.” (Thomas J. Grites) “It is the primary means of helping students benefit from an array of programs. It is always a process composed of timely responses in areas relevant to student education.” (IDEA Paper No.3) Advising provides the student with assistance for optimum progression through the University experience with opportunities for continued personal and professional growth and fulfillment.” (Wichita Report)

    2. Responsibility for Academic Advising

      The responsibility for appropriate and effective academic advisement rests with the faculty and the students. The faculty member is responsible for communicating accurate and up-to-date academic information. The student is responsible for implementing decisions derived from the advising process in order to fulfill the requirements necessary for graduation. Both the faculty member and the student must make a commitment to the advising process to enable it to be efficient and effective. Without a shared responsibility, academic advising will fail to achieve the goal of optimum progression through the University experience.

      Senate Approval: May 15, 1985

    3. Responsibilities of Faculty Advisors

      1. Faculty members will each have a group of students assigned by their department for whose academic advisement they are responsible. The responsibilities of an advisor are:
      2. To know the program requirements and University regulations with which the student must comply.
      3. To assist each student in planning his/her sequence of courses to meet graduation requirements.
      4. To approve, semester by semester, the specific program of courses, which the student takes.
      5. To refer students to appropriate University staff in matters which are outside the area of the faculty member’s competence (e.g., Health Services, Counseling, Academic Deans, Graduate Dean, etc.)
      6. To recommend to the Department Chair and to the appropriate dean any waivers or exceptions to the program requirements which he/she judges to be essential for the student’s best academic interests.
      7. To advise the department on the status of each advisee as he/she reaches various stages in his/her program (e.g., admission to standing as upper class major, approval of application for independent Study or Student Developed Study, etc.).

      Revised R-07-03-03 Admin. Approval 10/26/07

    4. Academic Advisement Duties

      1. Students should meet an advisor appropriate to his/her major at least once a semester prior to registration academic interests.
      2. Each Department Chair (or his/her designee) should coordinate academic advising procedures for his/her Department.
      3. The advisor should be responsible for reviewing prerequisites, core requirements, and program requirements with the student.

      Senate Approval: Nov. 20, 1985

      Admin. Approval: Dec. 5, 1985

      Updated July, 2005 Revised R-07-03-03

      Admin. Approval 10/26/07

    5. Procedures

      1. Each Department Chair should receive a list of majors by week 2 of the current semester (from the Computer Center via the Dean).
      2. Each Department Chair should receive a student activity report for each major by week 3 of the current semester (from the Computer Center via the Dean).
      3. All Departments have computer access to student transcripts. At such time, the score received by each student on the English and math placement exam should be included in the student’s record, along with the required math and English course noted based upon these scores, and the Departments have access to that computerized record.
      4. Departments should determine how individual students will be assigned to advisors and Chairs should be sure that all advisors are aware of advisement policies.
      5. Advisor’s responsibilities are included in the Recommendations of the Committee on Academic Advisement accepted by the Senate, November 1985, and approved by the University President.
      6. The Office of Admissions should send the appropriate Department a program sheet with credits transferred clearly noted for each transfer student admitted.
      7. If a student transfers from one Department to another, the new Department should be responsible for obtaining the student’s file from the former Department.
      8. Up-to-date Department program sheets should be available as University/School/Department requirements are changed.
      9. Information to faculty about curriculum changes will be disseminated through appropriate channels.
      10. Faculty workshop(s) on advisement should be offered.
      11. Departments should begin registration advisement as early as possible each semester, and no later than the first day following the publication of semester schedules.

Senate Approval: Feb. 19, 1986

Revised Senate R-07-03-03

Admin. Approval 10/26/07

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