WCSU Faculty Handbook : Standing Committees of Schools

School of Professional Studies Program Review Committee Bylaws

Article I. Name

  1. The name of the organization shall be Program Review Committee (hereafter referred to as PRC in this document). It is a standing committee of the School of Professional Studies, Western Connecticut State University.

Article II. Purpose

  1. The purpose of the Program Review Committee is to review and evaluate proposed changes in the School of Professional Studies’ undergraduate and graduate programs and their curricula and to recommend approved changes to the University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Standards (undergraduate) and/or the Graduate Council. The Program Review Committee reviews all new courses, curriculum changes, and requirements (except teacher education programs) submitted by departments of the School of Professional Studies.

Article III. Membership and Chair

  1. Membership will consist of the Dean and Assistant Dean of the School of Professional Studies as Ex officio members without vote and four (4) teaching faculty of the School, one each representing the four Departments within the School, as follows:
    1. Education and Educational Psychology
    2. Health Promotion and Exercise Sciences
    3. Nursing
    4. Social Work
  2. Appointment to the PRC:
    1. Appointment will be done by the Department Chairs of each of the four above Departments and shall be for a two-year term.
    2. To establish overlapping memberships, Nursing and Health Promotion and Exercise Sciences will each appoint its representative for a two-year term beginning Fall of odd numbered years; Education, and Social Work will each appoint its representative for a two year term beginning Fall of even numbered years.
    3. Should the designated member be unable to attend a meeting, the Department Chair will send an alternate representative. This person will have voting privileges.
  3. The Chair position will rotate every two years.
    1. The Chair will submit a PRC Annual Report from the previous years’ work at the first PRC meeting of the new academic year.

Article IV. Meetings

  1. The PRC will have at least two scheduled meetings each semester. These meetings may consist of or be in electronic format (i.e. teleconference or meeting online).   The Chair will set these times, after reviewing the schedules of the members.
    1. Additional meetings may be called if the timing of a program review necessitates this. The Chair will initiate this, with at least a week’s notice and polling of members.
    2. Scheduled meeting will be cancelled if there is no agenda item. The Chair will cancel this with one week’s notice.
  2. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the PRC membership (3). This can be verified also via electronic format.
  3. Minutes
    1. The Recorder’s duties will be rotated in alphabetical order.
    2. A draft of the minutes shall be distributed to PRC members by the recorder within 10 business days following the meeting. The minutes recorder can use an electronic submission for distribution to committee members and the PRC Chair.
    3. A vote Approval of Minutes will be done at the next scheduled meeting or electronically if the meeting is cancelled.
    4. A final copy of the approved Minutes should be done by the Recorder of that meeting and filed with the PRC Chair.
    5. The PRC Chair will electronically forward a copy of the approved minutes to the SPS Deans office.

Article V.  Procedure for Submitting Proposals to the PRC

  1. Materials for PRC review will be submitted electronically to Sharepoint by the department and following the most current guidelines and procedures anticipated by the University’s Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Standards (CUCAS) and Graduate Council.
  2. Materials should be submitted electronically to Sharepoint at least two weeks before a scheduled PRC Meeting, so that the PRC Chair can alert the other PRC members about the proposal.
  3. It is strongly recommended that a Department Chair/Program Coordinator and/or Faculty overseeing the proposed curricular modifications attend the meeting in person or participate in the online/electronic format of the meeting.

Article VI.  Vote

  1. Each member of the PRC shall have one vote.
  2. In the event that a member or alternate is unable to attend a meeting, that member’s written vote will be accepted, in the form of an e-mail or memo to the Chair at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting.
  3. Approval of material will be by majority vote of the quorum.

Article VII. Procedure for Approved Proposals

  1. It is strongly recommended that the Department Chair, Program Coordinator, and Faculty overseeing the proposal curricular standards must monitor the approval process through share point.

Revised/Approved: 9/27/12, JHL

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